Zebra Danio


Fish Herder
Aug 2, 2005
Reaction score
Alabama, USA
How can you tell if a Zebra Danio is full of eggs? I have one thats about 1-3/4" and she has a full belly. I cant tell if she just ate a lot or what? Shes the biggest of the 7 in the tank, and she is swimming and schooling as usual...

EDIT: Maybe someone has a picture of one full of eggs?
yea one of mine has the same as one of yours

i think shes now looking for a mate :) (i think)
Bit like this...... The leopard on the far right looks like shes just spawned as she has a squidy-shaped belly.
Thanks for the picture. She looks a lot like that. Im gonna look again today when I get home from work.

Here are some pictures, I know they are small. She actually looks bigger then she is in the pics. She has looked like that for a couple of days...I know the pictures are small, sorry...


Lynz781 said:
Looks fat and full of eggs perhaps??

Yeah, thats what I thought too, but wanted to see what other people thought. I checked on her again today when I got home from work and she is still big...

Barracuda518 said:
Off the subject, You think Farve will retire after this year? I hope not...

I hope he does.
He is too inconsistant these days and should go
before he ruinins his great record.

once retired look out as he will become a QB, possibly even a offensive, coach for the Pack and then superbowl after superbowl will be won. :hey:
The-Wolf said:
Barracuda518 said:
Off the subject, You think Farve will retire after this year? I hope not...

I hope he does.
He is too inconsistant these days and should go
before he ruinins his great record.

once retired look out as he will become a QB, possibly even a offensive, coach for the Pack and then superbowl after superbowl will be won. :hey:

I agree somewhat. I just hate to see another legend retire. There arent many great QB's like Farve, Elway, and Marino left in the NFL. Although, Both the Manning brothers are very good, so is McNabb, Vick, and Culpepper...Great now Ive gotten started on football and wont ever shut up.... :rofl: :thumbs:

EDIT: lets not forget who the Packers drafted for his replacement :thumbs:

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