Zebra Danio With Swimming Issues


Fish Addict
Jul 24, 2011
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I am reasonably but not totally sure that my Danio has a swim bladder problem...

Tank size: 30 Gal (115 lt)
pH: 8.0 (It's hard water, I haven't been able to lower it safely so I'm going to leave it)
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: between 0 and .5, it's hard to determine on from the kit
kH: Unknown
gH: Unknown
tank temp: 76 ish

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):

My Zebra Danio (My smallest one) is swimming vertically and seems exhausted and unable to swim normally. He will swim around vertically for a while, and then have to rest for a time before trying unsuccessfully to join the 4 other Danio's in the tank. To me his colours seem a little dull. I think I may have caused some sort of trauma to his swim bladder as I've only had him since Tuesday. But I don't know what I did wrong, as I acclimated him for half an hour using the drip method prior to introduction. He is the only fish displaying these symptoms.

Volume and Frequency of water changes: Once a week, about 45 lt of the 115, so 40 ish%

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: API tap water dechlorinator, Flourish plant supplement

Tank inhabitants: 1 female Pearl Gourami, 1 BNP, 6 Panda Cory's, 5 Zebra Danios, a bunch of Cherry shrimp

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): I added this Danio on Tuesday, he's my most recent addition.

Exposure to chemicals: None other than the ones listed above.

Digital photo (include if possible): Vidwo hosted through Photobucket.com. Quality is okay but not totally in focus all the time.

The website I normally use to help diagnose any fish problems says that it could be indigestion, but that's usually only for goldfish, or it could be due to trauma due to handling or a bacterial infection. I've had him since Tuesday so I sort of think it could be my fault...But the site doesn't really specify a treatment; it just says antibiotics. I'm guessing this means that any generic antibacterial medication for fish from the pet store would work? Can anything else be done?
He's a replacement for another Danio who died in the bag before I could even get it home. I don't want to go back to the store again and ask for a replacement for my replacement, I'd just feel like a terrible keeper.

To be honest I'd still go back,I had a lfs give me a replacement fish once and it turns out they gave me the poorest looking one they could find, prob out of spite for bringing it back during a busy period,most lfs's will ask for a water sample so take him in tank water as you know its fine and there shouldn't be a problem.

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