Zebra Danio Setup


New Member
Sep 9, 2008
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I have a 29 gallon with 8 Zebra Danios, five of which are glo-fish, and a white cloud mountain minnow. Soon i'm adding two to three more. I was thinking of a setup with three medium to large rainbow rock pieces with holes in them for decor, no plants or anything else. Now I know that this isn't what some of you would call the ideal setup. What i'm wondering is will the fish live, if I keep them at correct pH and temperature, with healthy feeding, and more than necessary water changes. Will their personalities be any different? Will they live for at least a year?
all danionins (the group that danios belong to) are found in fast flowing streams that have little or no vegetation.

your plan sounds good to me, apart for the rainbow rock, as they do not need places to hide in or swim through.
check out the pinned topic on rocks here for
a wide choice of rocks that you may decide are better for your set up.

you may also wish to checkout the following sites for more info on danios
my website (admittedly needs an update but still a good starting point)
Pete Cottles' site (Pete writes for PFK and is regarded as an authority on danionins)
a great wiki article written by a member of this forum (kerripaul) who has kept danios for some 30+ years

hope this helps

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