Zebra Danio Ready For Spawning?


Jun 25, 2007
Reaction score
West Midlands
Sorry if this is in the wrong place, i was advised to post here.

Take a look at these pics. My female danio has been rather round in the belly for a couple of months now! The male chases her most of the time in and out of the plants but nothing has happend yet. I am going tomake a spawning mop but wanted to know if she is ready yet.

These pics are not the best sorry. These fish are just so fast!

pic 1

Pic 3
Sorry to Hijack but how well do Danios and Tetrats get on?
I remember having some and the danios did annoy the tetras somewhat
Sorry if this is in the wrong place, i was advised to post here.

Take a look at these pics. My female danio has been rather round in the belly for a couple of months now! The male chases her most of the time in and out of the plants but nothing has happend yet. I am going tomake a spawning mop but wanted to know if she is ready yet.

These pics are not the best sorry. These fish are just so fast!

pic 1

Pic 3
she looks pretty much ready to spawn but could be holding off due to other tank occupants. the best way i found so spawn egg scatterers like danios etc was in a seperate tank with a couple of floating mops and a couple on the tank floor :) then remove the parents when they lose interest as they will eat the eggs:) glass marbles on the floor of the tank is also a good tip as when they fall they go between them and cant be eaten.
I think danios must be seasonal spawners LOL mine are at it too.
I've 2 males and 4 females (1 male, 2 female each of zebras and leopards).
The males take on a gold-ish sheen when they are ready for mating.
For some reason both my makes liek to pick on the same female - poor girl.
Yesterday they chose my largest female leopard and they chased that poor girl tirelessly - I swear I got dizzy watching them. Overnight she must have reduced her belly by about 1/3 :crazy: I'm guessing that that is partly in eggs laid and weight lost due to all the dashing and darting about.
Today, she gets a break, they've chosen the largest zebra instead.
I've never actually seen any eggs though, but I am fairly sure they have been laid as my corys seemed to be having a good chow down on something rather tasty this morning :sick:

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