zebra danio fry


New Member
Apr 16, 2004
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i recently noticed that one of the fry has trouble hovering in the water... he can swim, but he can't hover... he stays on the bottom of the tank most of the time and when he comes to the surface for food, he's constantly sinking back down so he has to swim upwards, grab some food, sink back down abit then swim back up. what is wrong with him?? the other fry's fine.
First off congratulations on the fry :clap:

This sounds like a "survival of the fittest" thing, and your little guy
proberbly won't make it :no: sorry but that's nature :-(

I hope that all the rest survive :nod: do you plan to keep them or sell them on?
oh... but he's still swimming around now, just with some difficulty... i guess i'm going to keep the fry... who can i sell them to?
where you located?
have you approched you lfs?
maybe they will swap for filter media plants etc.

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