Zebra Danio Fry?


Fish Crazy
Jan 8, 2008
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does anyone have a picture of some early stage danio fry, because i have a few danios alone in a tank i think they may have mated? Thanks :pepsi:
Danio fry at less than a week old. Absolutely tiny.

They may well not survive if there are adults in there.

Best to take all other fish out to another tank.

Cool pic Andy! What's the tank your fry are in? About to purchase a new little tank for breeding in and that looks quite neat!

nickyc :)
It's a Biorb and I've got rid of it now.

I wouldn't recommend it for breeding, mine spawned and then I moved the adults then saw the fry by chance in there.

Get a smallish (10gallon?) rectangle. Keep it bare bottomed with some java moss and maybe a bit of bogwood in. Fry and eggs should have a fair chance of survival. Look out for spawning behaviour and then take the adults out.

Bare bottomed tanks are so much easier to maintain for fry, regular water changes essential.

Instead of java moss you could also try marbles.

I managed to raise about 20 of these to adulthood and I was a complete beginner, Baby brine shrimp is great for building them up.
It's a Biorb and I've got rid of it now.

I wouldn't recommend it for breeding, mine spawned and then I moved the adults then saw the fry by chance in there.

Get a smallish (10gallon?) rectangle. Keep it bare bottomed with some java moss and maybe a bit of bogwood in. Fry and eggs should have a fair chance of survival. Look out for spawning behaviour and then take the adults out.

Bare bottomed tanks are so much easier to maintain for fry, regular water changes essential.

Instead of java moss you could also try marbles.

I managed to raise about 20 of these to adulthood and I was a complete beginner, Baby brine shrimp is great for building them up.

do you think the fry will grow up with two adults in the tank and no extra food?
Honestly, I'd like to say yes but I think probably the adults will eat them.

The food is less of an issue, they are supposed to have 3-4 small feeds a day but i think some would survive on less feeding and probably grow a bit more slowly.

you could try and put them in a breeding net in the tank if you can catch them. I have no experience of breeding nets though I'm afraid.

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