Zebra Danio Fry?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 16, 2007
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As i was looking into my Biube last night i spotted some very small fry amongst the media.I assume these are danio fry as i have three zebra danios in my tank along with some guppies and 5 other tetras. The thing is i have had these fish for over three years and have never noticed any fry before, do they have to be a certain age in which to breed they had been chasing each other for the last week or so so i assume that was what they were doing. The fry were all over the tank glass this morning now they have gone into the gravel i spotted one on a plant leaf a minute ago. Will any of the fry survive there is a lot of plants around the bottom of the tank crpts,anubais and java fern.What about feeding them will they pick things of the media and plants.Any other info would be grateful. Thanks :good:
I managed to raise a load of Danio Fry in a Biorb.

I had 6 danios in there and I knew they were spawning just about every day for a few weeks.

I bought a bigger tank and moved the adults out and left the water in the tank on the off chance. Then after about 2 days I caught some tiny free swimming fry moving out of the corner of my eye.

A closer inspection revealed loads of fry in the glass.

I was able to successfully raise about 20 adults in there.

Have a search on here, I got most of my information from this forum, The Wolf posts lots about danios breeding so check his posts out.

It's important to do quite large regular water changes and feed the fry little and often. I started with Liquifry no1 for egg layers then moved quickly to Liquifry number 2.

The best way I found of feeding them was on live Baby Brine Shrimp. Find out on here about how to grow these from eggs quite easily. They won't be big enough to take this until they are at least a couple of weeks old. The BBS is full of protein and your fry will grow quickly, you'll see full red bellies on them when they've had a meal.

I'd be very surprised if any of them survived at all with other fish in there. Can you get the other fish into a spare tank for now?

I would be tempted to do that then net the fry after a month or so. Put the adults back into your Biube and then the fry in the spare tank. Leave it bare bottomed so it is nice and easy to clean out as all the food can be fiddly to get out otherwise.

Hope this helps and good luck.

It is a great feeling raising fish!
I havnt got a spare tank unfortunately. I will have to see what happens they have lots of hiding spots so perhaps a few may grow large enough to survive. May buy some more plants for extra cover.
I know but i dont really have the space to raise the fry. How often do zebra danios spawn.

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