Zebra Danio Fry Care


Fish Crazy
Mar 18, 2011
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I am lucky enough to have a friend that may give a some healthy zebra Danio fry in a trade. I have never owned zebra Danios before, much less BABY zebra danios, so I'm wondering if I should get special fish food for them, or if I should not trade at all, and just buy some danios from my local pet store. These baby danios are most likely the offspring of a blond zebra danio and a regular long finned zebra danio, so will these mixes be capable of producing healthy young? I want to breed them when they're larger. Please help me!!!!!
There's no reason why blond and long-finned danios shouldn't have perfectly healthy fry (although they'll probably not be either blond or long-finned, but it depends on how danio genetics work).

All they'll need is plenty of space and good, clean water and small food; live food like baby brine shrimp or micro worm would be best, but finely ground up fish food would do.
Thanks for the information. I should get the baby danios next Friday.

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