Zebra Danio Eggs


New Member
Feb 10, 2005
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New Jersey
I have successfully breed my Zebra Danios in a tank heated to 80 F. However, my heater decided to break when my ZD's were depositing eggs. :angry: This resulted in only 70 eggs being laid in 70 F water. *I recounted, the number was higher*

I returned my ZDs to the main tank to recoup from the stress of temp change. However, the eggs remain in the breed tank. The water is still 70 F because I will not be able to obtain a new heater til tomorrow.

Do you think the eggs are still alive? I've heard colder water causes eggs to hatch later. I was just wondering what the extreme temp. was for these little babies.

it is possible, but i dout that any will hatch.
IME 82 is the prefered temp for hatching and then 80 for raising the fry.

I'd be interested to know if you do manage to have any htch.
I had some roseus lay eggs on Sunday when the tank was 72F because we had a 12 hour power cut.

I put about 12 roseus eggs that were laid Sunday in a small unheated tank. 10 finally hatched yesterday one or two still haven't hatched but I think it's imminent.

good luck and get a heater in asap - they need warmth to stop them being stunted
Just to update on the situation.

At last count, I have 7 fry puckered up against the glass. They hatched Friday, remarkably. However, today (Monday) the fry are still depending on their egg sacks and have not started free-swimming. I hope the initial cold period did not interrupt development.

I'll probably post one more time down the line about how well their growing. Hopefully they'll be perfectly fine adult ZDs. :flex:
You should be fine. All that will have happened is their metaolism slowed down.

-otherwise they would not have hatched

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