Zebra Danio Disease?


Apr 20, 2003
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St.Louis, MO

I have three zebra danios in a 29 gallon tank. I was wondering if there is something wrong with one of my particular zebra danio it's stomach has kind of swelled up. I forget the term for the disease, but I was wondering if it had that. Or if by some odd chance it became pregnant.

On another note sorry about the photos, my danios like to move around a lot so it's hard to get a good picture.

two pictures of the same fish..different poses

I'm bad at computers so I couldn't find out how to resize the pictures, anyways here's the photobucket site I tried to host them on.

Water stats would be good in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.
What do you feed your fish?
Are scales sticking out?
Bloating can be swim badder, dropsy, constipation, internal parsites.
Can the fish maintain its balance in the water.
Cook some frozen peas in boiling water for a few minutes, let cool down, pop out of shell, mush between fingers and add to the tank.
Epson salts baths help draw the fluids out.
to be honest your danio doesn't look that swollen, they puff up an awful lot more than that, it's from getting ready to lay eggs, nothing to worry about unless she gets stupidly fat, but seriously they can get VERY round just from eggs, the rounder ones are females, and skinny almost stright line looking fish are males :)
The link working now it wasnt earlier.
It could be eggs as it not that bloated.
The link working now it wasnt earlier.
It could be eggs as it not that bloated.
Yup i'm definately thinking that, unless of course it gets stupidly big!
But even with eggs when I had all 6 they used to freak me out just how big they got....usually only 1 female will get the biggest, I guess its a dominance thing!

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