Zebra Danio Buoyancy Problem?


New Member
Oct 9, 2006
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Hi all! I've just noticed that one of my Danios is swimming around with apparant buoyancy problems. He/she is easily floating to the surface when stopping and has to swim with its head down and therefore its tail is up to get about. It is also chasing the others away too!

This is the first time it has done it and it looks really healthy and none of the others are showing signs of ill health.

It is looking a tad plump around the belly area (symetrical) but I was putting it down to a large tea!

Any help would be appreciated!

She wouldn't be carrying eggs that are less buoyant would she?......

Size of tank in gallons or litres.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph.
What do you feed the fish.
Swim bladder and headstanding and once they do this not good.
Can you issolate her and try her on some shelled peas.

Thanks for reply:

30 litres
4 Zebra Danio
4 Glowlight Tetras
Fish fed on King British Tropical flakes

Tank temp = 25C
PH - approx 8-8.5
I checked the other readings last week as both nitrate and nitrite was getting too high so have been doing 10% water changes every two days.

They have been in excellent health for weeks and eating everything I put in (not too much in one sitting). The Zebs have always been chasing each other and playing.

Three of the Zebs are fat and one is thin/sleek looking so I'm presuming it is male.

Unfortunately, I've got no way to isolate her
The tank is overstocked, a six gallon tank is no good for them fish as they are active, danio alone need a 20gal.
Get water tested and tell them to write the readings down for you at the lfs.
I would strongly suggest you buy a larger tank.
The diet is bad to many dried foods which lead to constipation and swim bladder problems.
They need a varied diet of frozen foods and veg.

Cook frozen peas for a few minutes, let cool down, pop out of shell, mush between fingers and add to the tank.
Frozen daphnia is good for fish as it helps the fish digest its food.

Thanks Wilder!

I'll do the pea thing shortly......

I understand now about the flake food but what kind of veg would you recommend?

I'll buy some daphnia tomorrow.

I'll see what I can do with tank too!

Keep you updated and thanks once again!

PS - What do you think the chances are of this lil one surviving?
Woke up this morning to expect to see it floating and it is back to normal - Phew!


If it was consitipation, would they develop this type of problem?

Thank you for your comments once again.
Yes constipation can show the same signs that why always try peas.
Fish don't you just love em at times, lol.
Glad its back to its normal self, but improve diet.
Good luck.

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