Zebra Catfish/plec


May 20, 2006
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I want to get a zebra catfish/plec. What they like. I have read they are ok?

Will it be ok in my tanks.

190 liters 40 ish gallons. small community tank - planted.

6 x guppys
1 angel fish
2 x cory - will be getting more next time i go to fish shop.
3xLoches kuli
1 x congo tetra
glowlights x 6 i think
danios - different type - 6 ish
platies - 7
3 x runny noes tetras
cardinal/neon tetra - not sure - 6 ish
6 ish bloodfin tetra

i think thats it.
I'm not entirely sure i understand what your asking?....

Zebra plecs are very shy and retiring, likelihood of never seeing them is extremely high (you may get to see a tail every so often). They dont compete for food well and not to be introduced into a tank which has aggressive (greedy) eating fish.

Basically these fish are best for species only tank due to them simply been shy and reluctant to eat in the open if fast greedy fish are around. With this been a very big concern, i would advise against actually getting one in your tank.

Another factor is price, risking such an expensive fish isn't something i would consider, if your willing to pay the price for the fish in the first place, then consider a species only tank.

Absolutely stunning fish and IMO the nicest small plec around :)
Plus at the price they go for you can get similarly interesting beautuful plecs for far less, although less commonly these days.
As jake said I wouldnt risk adding them to a community tank where something can go wrong, then you may loose £200 worth of fish :look:
I have a funny feeling the OP isn't on about the same catfish we call a zebra plec, looking at the tank mates The cories even if they were flash or black would max out at £6-10 each, maybe a LFS has labelled a plec up wrong?
I have a funny feeling the OP isn't on about the same catfish we call a zebra plec, looking at the tank mates The cories even if they were flash or black would max out at £6-10 each, maybe a LFS has labelled a plec up wrong?
Overlooked that, maybe the OP is talking about a L168 or something instead of the L46 we think he is refering to

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