Yoyo/zebra/burmese Boarder Which Is Ideal For My 30 Gallon


Fish Addict
Sep 24, 2008
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Vancouver WA (US)
Ok with payday coming tomorrow I need to decide which loach I will choose. I posted a pole recently and they came out equal for the most part of which to get b ut after some google work I am questioning which to get. I have a heaviy planted tank with lots of wood and 2 caves. I am thinking yoyo since those are the closest to get and not to expensive but I hear they grow up to 6in and only 2-3 for a 30 gallon? burmese Boarder loach will cost me 60 bucks for 5 and are also reccmended for a 30 gallon min but I'm not sure weather they would work due to size. Zebra I will have to drive for about 45 min each way to get so that would be tiresome but not sure if they are better suited for my tank or not. Pic below:

Ok with payday coming tomorrow I need to decide which loach I will choose. I posted a pole recently and they came out equal for the most part of which to get b ut after some google work I am questioning which to get. I have a heaviy planted tank with lots of wood and 2 caves. I am thinking yoyo since those are the closest to get and not to expensive but I hear they grow up to 6in and only 2-3 for a 30 gallon? burmese Boarder loach will cost me 60 bucks for 5 and are also reccmended for a 30 gallon min but I'm not sure weather they would work due to size. Zebra I will have to drive for about 45 min each way to get so that would be tiresome but not sure if they are better suited for my tank or not. Pic below:


I would go for the zebra as they don't get as big as YoYo's, I have had YoYo's grow larger than 6". Both of these will punch many holes in your plants leaves, YoYo's might uproot them too. I have never been able to keep plants in my loach tank 'cos they just get trashed.
I'd probably go with B.striata, they tend to be the smaller of that group you listed. IMO Y.sidthimunki is best for a 30 gal but is also harder to find.

Both of these will punch many holes in your plants leaves, YoYo's might uproot them too. I have never been able to keep plants in my loach tank 'cos they just get trashed.

Just to share another experience, I've got 10 botia in a 75 gal, and they've been in there for about 2 years. I've never had issues with uprooted plants, but my amazon swords do get holes punched in them. They seem to leave vals and crypts alone. I've got a large piece of bogwood that they all live under and they don't seem to dig around anywhere else IMO.
I also have a 33 gallon tank.Would 3 poka dot loaches be ok for that tank?I also have soe barbs in there too.

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