A True Oddball
Hey all,
I have 3 yoyo loaches in one of my tanks, which are a recent purchase, and they have each taken up their own hiding places, one has created a cave in the sand under some small smooth stones, another sits vertically in one of the fake plants in the tank, and the final one has dug itself inbetween a large flowerpot and a small flower pot.
now to my question, I've read these fish are peaceful, but occaisionally become agressive, yet no where have I read they are territorial.
The reason I say this is, that when one of the other loaches go near another hiding place, the place's owner comes swimming out and scares off the interloper.
anyone else had this, its reasonably funny to watch, more so for the one under the stones, my GF thought it was stuck in the sand as she could see its tail wiggling, and paniced.
I have 3 yoyo loaches in one of my tanks, which are a recent purchase, and they have each taken up their own hiding places, one has created a cave in the sand under some small smooth stones, another sits vertically in one of the fake plants in the tank, and the final one has dug itself inbetween a large flowerpot and a small flower pot.
now to my question, I've read these fish are peaceful, but occaisionally become agressive, yet no where have I read they are territorial.
The reason I say this is, that when one of the other loaches go near another hiding place, the place's owner comes swimming out and scares off the interloper.
anyone else had this, its reasonably funny to watch, more so for the one under the stones, my GF thought it was stuck in the sand as she could see its tail wiggling, and paniced.