Yoyo Loaches


A True Oddball
Jul 12, 2005
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UK, Nr Chester
Hey all,

I have 3 yoyo loaches in one of my tanks, which are a recent purchase, and they have each taken up their own hiding places, one has created a cave in the sand under some small smooth stones, another sits vertically in one of the fake plants in the tank, and the final one has dug itself inbetween a large flowerpot and a small flower pot.

now to my question, I've read these fish are peaceful, but occaisionally become agressive, yet no where have I read they are territorial.
The reason I say this is, that when one of the other loaches go near another hiding place, the place's owner comes swimming out and scares off the interloper.

anyone else had this, its reasonably funny to watch, more so for the one under the stones, my GF thought it was stuck in the sand as she could see its tail wiggling, and paniced. :lol:
Sounds weird to me. Loaches usually establish a pecking order and then share the hiding spots. My yoyos seem to really enjoy each others company. They play fight but don't establish territory. How big is the tank yours are in? Is it possible that they feel crowded enough to feel the need to chase each other off because of space? I have never seen loaches do this, but I have with so many other types of fish when they are in too small of a tank, that is seems like it could happen with loaches, too.
Sounds weird to me. Loaches usually establish a pecking order and then share the hiding spots. My yoyos seem to really enjoy each others company. They play fight but don't establish territory. How big is the tank yours are in? Is it possible that they feel crowded enough to feel the need to chase each other off because of space? I have never seen loaches do this, but I have with so many other types of fish when they are in too small of a tank, that is seems like it could happen with loaches, too.

its a 15gallon (UK) tank, they are only about 1" - 1.5" long
I wouldn't say it was vicious chasing, and they do swim about together most the time, it just when they decide to hide that they do it :huh: my clowns never used to do it before one of them passed on :-( (and no they were in a 31gallon tank)
I know you're not going to want to hear this, but 15 gallons is too small for yoyo loaches. What are the dimensions of the bottom? I wouldn't put 1 1/2 inch yoyos in anything smaller than a 3 foot tank (92cm), with plans to upgrade later. They need space to feel comfortable. There's no guarantee that they wouldn't act the same way in a larger tank since fish are all individuals and do what they want, but either way, they do need something bigger.
oh dear... :-(

well the tank is only about 2ft maybe a little more. Anyone live near chester and want to swap them for something else that WILL be ok in the tank :D or buy them?
we have 2 yoyos had for about 2 yrs - one is 4inches big & the other about 3 & a half & they grew to this size quite quickly so as sad you will need to rehome them - sorry.
our bigger one is definitely the boss & will chase the smaller out of her fav cave if he goes near it she also has times where shes not happy with poor old larry in his fav cave either & will chase him out of that too, just reminding him of whose the boss i guess!
theyre great fish but do need a lot of room & can get very big,( not just long but a 'chunky' body as well) some here on this forum have them around 8 inches big!!!! something we wernt aware of when we got ours as most info will tell you they only get to about 3 & a half inches & this is not so, luckily ours were already in a 4ft tank so we didnt have to move/rehome them. :)
oh dear... :-(

You're breaking my heart! They're probably ok in there on a short term basis, if you'll be able to get a larger tank for them before too long. Your friendly and reasonable response makes me wish you could keep them. I'm almost used to people saying "Grrr, you're all wrong, I can do whatever I want with my fish! Bwah ha ha!"
oh dear... :-(

You're breaking my heart! They're probably ok in there on a short term basis, if you'll be able to get a larger tank for them before too long. Your friendly and reasonable response makes me wish you could keep them. I'm almost used to people saying "Grrr, you're all wrong, I can do whatever I want with my fish! Bwah ha ha!"

:) Thanks, I'm a reasonable person, and I've been in the hooby around 12 months, I know quiet a bit, but compaired to some of you people on here I know nothing, still a novice :D I wont be able to upgrade the tank for over 12months as I have no room left, :/

:) Thanks, I'm a reasonable person, and I've been in the hooby around 12 months, I know quiet a bit, but compaired to some of you people on here I know nothing, still a novice :D I wont be able to upgrade the tank for over 12months as I have no room left, :/


I understand. I have a small house with space limitations, too. Very small. I have been reduced to looking at pieces of furniture that I might be able to do without, and thinking "maybe I could put a tank there." :look:

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