YoYo Loaches


Fish Herder
Aug 2, 2005
Reaction score
Alabama, USA
Im sure this has been asked a lot before and I did a search with no luck. Whats the best thing to feed yoyo loaches? They come to the top to eat flake food and some of the freeze dried worms, but Im afraid they arent getting enough because of the danios snatching it up before they get to the top and get some. I put some shrimp pellots in there once a day, but they dont seem to want to eat them as the cories hover around the pellots until they are gone. Any help would be appreciated.

Give them some sinking wafers to chomp on. But only feed as muc as they will consume within 30 minutes - some wafers can be quite hard. The Hikari wafers are very good.
Also a variety of other foods such as frozen bloodworm or a frozen mix. Freeze dried food have far less nutritional values than frozen foods. They will also snack on some muscles and greens (cucumber, peas etc.) but keep those to once or twice a week - not every day.
we've 2 yoyos & ours LOVE frozen stuff like bloodworm,mosquito larvae,brine shrimp etc. these things come in little blister packs so you can just defrost the amount you need. they also like spirulaena algae tablets & catfish tablets & go mad for tubifex cubes, lettuce & cucumber. im sure you can find all this stuff at your lfs. feed your loaches fresh defrosted bloodworm & they will love you forever........guaranteed! i love watching ours with freeze dried tubifex worm cubes they swing off the cube munching madly & then often grab chunks of it & try & hide away with it. :D
Do those tubifex worm cubes sink to the bottom? The problem I have is that I have 7 Zebra Danios that eat anything that is dropped in the water, and very quickly, if it floats. I need something that goes to the bottom so they can get to it. They come to the top and eat flake food and some freeze dried blood worms when they can snatch it up before the neons and danios get it. How much cucumber and lettuce do I put in there? My loaches are growing, but there is still one that is kinda small and I am worried he isnt getting enough nutrition. I have a 100 gallon tank in the works for them and I want to make sure they are in the
3-4" range before that tank is done.

feed them bloodwarm tablet ur danio cant eat them as fast if it was in a big tablet. I have 3xyoyo that eat warm like pig with other clownloaches.

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