Yoyo Loaches...fighting? Or Breeding?

Miss Dib Dabs

Jun 19, 2005
Reaction score
Behind the shadows
This morning I was watching the fish in my 55g as often I do to see two of the loaches slapping against each other and circling either in fight or breeding mode. I have no idea! It was rather frightening since both went incredibly pale in colour. All their markings almost completely disappeared. I had just reached the point where I was about to remove one when they stopped. Seperated and carried on as though nothing had happened! Within 5 minutes or less their colours were completely back and they've been fine since. The thrid loach was totally unworried by this behaviour while it went on but was nearby throughout.
They're still young. Not more then a couple of inches each, highly active and bright. Use the entire aquarium top to bottom. They have loads of hiding places although I've yet for them to hide even when the kids are yelling and nearby. :S
Does anyone have any idea what this was about? I did think maybe it was about territory or possibly the heirarchy within the group but for the colours to leach out whilst it was going on really did unnerve me somewhat. :crazy:
They are the only loaches I have and this is the first time I've ever seen such a display, which was right at the front of the tank near and under a piece of bogwood. I did think at one point one was trying to force the other under the wood!
Any and all suggestions welcomed. They've not been injured, no scrapes, bites etc. They get a very wide variation in food types and had live bloodworm last night.
I read some where that they will fight to establish the hierarchy, so that could be what they were doing. When they do this, they do lose their color. Once the hierarchy is established they should go back to normal. The Wolf is probably the one to ask, he is very familiar with these loaches.

Good Luck B)
loaches slapping against each other and circling either in fight or breeding mode. I have no idea!
Does anyone have any idea what this was about?

This is very common behaviour for all the botias I own.
I'm sure it is just playing/bonding behaviour and nothing to worry about.

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