Yoyo Loaches And Bullying?


Aug 7, 2009
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North London
I've recently got a group of yoyo loaches/pakistani loaches, 2 of which are incredibly small, only about 1-1.5inches each. I posted in the emergency section because one of them (the first fish I've ever named - Squeak) is so emaciated.
I did keep him in a hatchery and fed him - he ate well and looked better so I let him go into the big tank thinking loach company could only do him good and keep him going.
I've noticed he's not really gained weight like he should and have just now been sitting watching my fish, only to see Squeak's same-sized friend bullying him - nipping and chasing him away from any food he settles to eat.
I've managed to overcome this by defrosting some daphnia cubes and put them in - food that is like a snowstorm can't be guarded I figure, and Squeak is tucking in and has a lovely little belly on him again.

I wondered, though, is this behaviour normal?
I know loaches have complicated heirarchies and groups, but I've never seen anything like this with my other loaches before, and none of the other, larger yoyo loaches behave like this either?
Will it stop? If Squeak grows and continues to eat and fill out, will this become less of a problem?

They have a 48in x 24in x 16in tank which works out about 260L or so, and plenty of different bogwood hidey holes so I don't think it's a space issue.

I'm just confused and not sure what to do if this is not going to stop as I don't want Squeak to constantly struggle.

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