
Fish Fanatic
May 26, 2004
Reaction score
Warren, Michigan
I have a YoYo loach and every so often I'll see it laying on it's side. It's color is still good, and it still swims around quite a bit, and it works the bottom of the tank like it always has.
Do you think that I should worry about it laying on it's side?
I've got four of them myself. No, lying on its side does not usually indicate there is a problem, especially if their colour is still good.

Mine always hide themselves, bury themselves, lay still and don't breathe (for what seem an age!) then rapidly breathe again.

They're very sociable, so may I suggest that you do not keep this one alone and get another 1 or 2 more? Just watch chase each other out of hide-outs if there isn't enough space!

Great fishes, and glad you have one! :)
My YoYo seems to do the same things that yours does, except for the laying on it's side. I think that I will stop by the LFS and purchase another one or two as you have advised.
Why do you say to buy another one or 2? I've had this one for quite a while now and he/she seems to be alright.
You've only had one to look at so far. Just wait until you have one or two more....then watch them go! :)
I've got two of these great fish, one lies on his side during the evening. I assume he is taking a snooze like a clown loach. During the day they are both very active, always looking for food.
kribsinvcrib said:
You've only had one to look at so far. Just wait until you have one or two more....then watch them go! :)
I'll second that :thumbs:

Yoyo's are not a community fish; however they are gregarious and thrive when kept in groups.

I may have only two, they came with a pair of clowns, but all four act as one most days. I also keep botia angelicus ans botia striata with them, occassionally i see all loaches playing chase.

I have observed my yoyo's not only laying on their sides but also on their backs and the wierdest one is when they lay curved (like a banana), freeky when you first see it but a laugh now.
our 2 yoyos are always lolling around on their sides & sometimes completely upside down -always makes me smile & when we first got them we panicked the first time we saw them do this as we thought they were dead or dying!!! but its just normal loach behaviour so dont worry. its just so unusual to see a fish lying down trying to get comfy, ours lie on rocks & our plants as well :D

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