Yoyo Loach


Nov 4, 2005
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would 1 be okay or do you have to get 2 or 3 for reasons of fish happness ?any idear or surgesten or info on the Yoyo Loach is good as well cuz i dont no any thing about them
oh sorry to hear that :( is there any thing i should no about them befor geting them ?? oh are they very active and intresting fun fish to have ?......................oh and how long have u had your ones? i saw on a site that they can live up to 10 years?
Uumm they sometimes can be agressive towards other fish - I think they are classed as semi-aggressive or something, so just be careful with what you put em in with - sometimes they try and attack some of my fish but they are big enough to defend themselves. Get a reasonable size group of them and you will definetly see the benefits. Just provide places for them to hide etc because mine can be quite skittish sometimes. Also mine enjoy squeezing themselves into narrow spaces then getting rescued by me so watch out for that.

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