Yoyo Loach Eat Snails Right...


Mar 11, 2009
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Ill be getting 2 yoyo loach in 10 days or so as i have MTS and 2 other species in my tank (i dont want to remove the MTS,only control them)

Im thinking of buying assassins too to help to process but will the yoyos eat the assassins and waste my money or will the assassins be fine and the MTS population decrease? (along with the ramshorn snails and other things)
Be warned that 2 Yo Yo's may fight. I had one and introduced another and they fought like mad. Added two more and they're not as bad. Chase each other about a bit but it's not just 1 on 1 aggression any more. Can you get 3 or 4 at all?

You can't have assassins with Yo Yo's or they'll probably eat them!! Same with any loach really! Your assassins will disappear as well as the other pest snails.

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