Yoyo Loach Agressive?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 23, 2009
Reaction score
Montreal,Quebec, Canada
So one of the fish I saved is a yoyo loach and its doign really well his colors are all comming in and hes settelign well. However later at night like now (9pm for me) he starts chasing all the other fish in the tank around and it doesnt matter where they are it seems liek he goes out of his way to find any other fish to bite >.< Is this common attitude for yoyo's? If so I may need to re home him :(
what other fish have you got in the tank ?
what size of tank do you have?
and have you provided caves and plant cover for the loach?
what other fish have you got in the tank ?
what size of tank do you have?
and have you provided caves and plant cover for the loach?

Rummy nose tetra
Ember tetra
Whitecloud minows
Bolivian rams
Pacific blue eyes
bristle nose pleco

43 gals US

2 pretty big pieces of wood and some faker plants as cant afford the real stuff :(

He normally hides in one of 4 caves that are his 4 fav spots and 99% of the time hes fine! Just every now and then at night he gets the wind up his ###### and seems like he gets it stuck in his head he needs to beat up all the fish for about 2 mins....then he goes back to chillin in the caves :S Really wierd
Usually when they are young, Yoyo Loaches are a bit boisterous, this usually is caused by lack of proper nutrition,
i find if you use Tetra Prima Sinking food it stops your loach from acting so harshly.
how many inches is it roughly
and how much does the temperature fluctuated?
Usually when they are young, Yoyo Loaches are a bit boisterous, this usually is caused by lack of proper nutrition,
i find if you use Tetra Prima Sinking food it stops your loach from acting so harshly.
how many inches is it roughly
and how much does the temperature fluctuated?

Tempurature and water conditions dont fluctuate at all :) I made sure of this before getting the rams! After looking at some pictures and comparing his patterns to others Id have to say hes a juvinile as the "yoyo" pattern is pretty distinguishable! Hes almost 2" id say. I think hes probably still stressed out from the move as he was in the same tank but the decor has changed quite a bit since I took over the tank and while it was being put up he had to live in an overstocked 20 gal tank that was very bright.

Thank you for all the help I will keep an eye on him and go get soem of the sinking pelets as that may be another one of the problems!!!
yoyos are social creatures & need to be with their own kind 3+ best. they are semi aggressive fish and yours may well be better off rehomed in with his own kind. we only have 2 yoyos which is not ideal but unfortunately we bought them 7 yrs ago when we started out & got bad advice , but ours seem quite happy we just dont have room for more at this stage. they also can grow big some on this forum have reported them up to 8 inches in size something else to take into consideration when deciding what to do. ( our yoyos are around 5 inches in lenght & around an inch wide) they also love food such as bloodworm,mosquito larvae, brine shrimp, you can buy this stuff in frozen blister packs at most lfs & also online. try some your yoyo will thank you for it - just defrost a cube or 2 now & again as a treat & chuck in, your other fish will also enjoy the 'fresh' food change.:)
Thank you all for the help :) Looks liek he wasnt gettign enough food late at night when the lights went out and thus started to get agressive to try and push the other fish out of his "area". I have taken to droping food just outside his fav spots and using a droper to almost hand feed him some of the blood worms my fish get 2-3 times a week :) He has settled down, relaxed and is now a great addition!

I will keep tryign to rehome him as I find it cruel to have a comunity fish alone...god knows id go crazy if Iwas left alone! However would rather keep him here till I find a suitable home for him where im sure he will be taken care of :D
hi again i should have said as well that yoyos love little crevices to squeeze into to rest- they like caves even 2 bits of rock put together to make a cave or some bits of plumbers pipe cut to around 6 inches or so will give the loach somewhere of his own he can go to when he likes, this will also make him happier. just make sure wahtever it is isnt too snug you dont want him getting stuck.
good on you for rescuing the fish :)

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