Your unfiltered tanks ?


Addicted and in Therapy
Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
Wichita, KS
So as most of ya know, I am probably gonna move the new guy into an unfiltered type tank since he doesn't enjoy the current at all. I was at Petsmart and Petco the other day checking out bowls and small tanks and sheesh.. I need help!! There were so many different types.. and I'd like the popular vote! :p

I saw many types I liked, but they came with undergravel filters, and I'm not a fan. I don't want to spend 20 bucks or whatever to end up with something I won't ever use. As far as the unfiltered tanks went, I mostly found goldfish type bowls, and small (usually half gallon) betta containers.

What do y'all use? And how do you like it - pros/cons? He's pretty peaceful so I'm not too concerned about him jumping out of something, so that's not an issue. I do want something he has room in though - he's a pretty happy "coaster" type - just floats around.

As for the update: I got him a silk plant because I noticed a tear in his fin the other day and wasn't sure if it was there before. Don't wanna take a chance with the ol' plastic one! He seems to really really like it actually! He's always resting in it, and now he seems to like the ornament better even - I twined the plant through it. Anyways, he's also now eating with gusto, so that's extremely exciting. He's so beautiful. I stuck a mirror by him yesterday and all he did was puff out the gills. So funny... Jack woulda been all over that. :wub: I wuv my boys, they're so different.
I have 5 of those 2 gallon hexes that Petco sells,they're ok but a little too tall,kind of unpractical for a betta, 4 of the 1 gallon AquaViews from Wal-mart...pretty nice, but could be roomier,1 one gallon sized critter keeper which seems to make the little guy happy and the plus with the critter keeper is.....they're cheap AND you can go over to the hamster section and find a light that pops down in that square when you take the little hinged door off, and then I have 12 of those rectangle 2.5's that PetSmart sells for 9.99,they're 12 X 6,come with a glass lid and you can buy a tiny ballast to go with them.They're my favorite. I love the way they look (like shrunken big tanks) and I love the back and forth swimming space they allow :nod:

If you do get one with an undergravel filter don't sweat it,because...for example,Wal-Marts 1 gallons are only 10 for 10.00 you get a nice betta home with a light PLUS you'll have an extra air pump in case you ever need it,those are like 5-10 dollars by themselves I think ;)

I noticed a 3.3 gallon critter keeper at PetSmart the other day for only $6.00 :nod:

Make sure you get a lid,not only to prevent jumping but also to keep the air above the water surface humid,if there's no lid then they're breathing cold air which can give them a respiratory infection :crazy:
Hi Juliethegr8te :)

It all depends on your budget, I guess. -_-

If you can afford to go first class, wuvmybetta has given you some excellent suggestions. :thumbs:

On the other hand, if your budget is limited, you could get the free one one gallon mayonnaise jars (complete with lids) from the deli or restaurant and spend your cash on more fish! :lol:
i bought the aquascene plus from walmart/petco. has a lighted hood. it comes with a ugf, but i don't use it, its just a plate and tube that you put in, so you don't have to use it. petco here sells the aquaview, which is similar, but be careful because on the box it'll show the hood but you need to be sure that the lighted hood is actually the one youre buying and not the plain hood. they run aroudn $10 at all three places. theyre a wedge shaped tank, so you get a good view of hte bettas at all times. if you go onto, they also ahve some other one and two gallons that are more rectangular for around $10-$20, sometimes you get a deal. i have all three of mine in the aquascene pluses, without the ugfs or air stones, and they have plenty of room and are happy little bettas. :D

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