Your thoughts on new tank setup.


Fish Fanatic
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
Hampshire UK
What are your general thoughts on this tank setup.

36"x12"x15" (LxWxH) 23 Uk gallon (106L) (28 Us Gallon)

Fluval 4 underwater filter with Hydor Bio Flo nozzel fitted.

6" bubble wall with medium size pump.

Male Betta x1
Catfish (Albino) x1
Catfish (Peppered) x1
Guppy (Female) x3
Guppy (Male) x1
Small Otocinclus Catfish x2
Red Tail Shark x1
Silver Shark x1
Tetra (Black Neon) x4
Tetra (Neon) x4

Would this be over stocked?
Is this a good compatible choice of fish?

Wipeout said:
The red tail can grow about 4.5" and silver can be larger about 6".
Silver/Bala sharks can grow to 15" and should be kept in a minimum group of 3. In my opinion your tank is not big enough to house these fish permanently. A red tailed black shark can grow 5-6" and would be fine in your tank.
chali said:
Wipeout said:
The red tail can grow about 4.5" and silver can be larger about 6".
Silver/Bala sharks can grow to 15" and should be kept in a minimum group of 3. In my opinion your tank is not big enough to house these fish permanently. A red tailed black shark can grow 5-6" and would be fine in your tank.
Good job someone knows there stuff!
The catfish, if you are referring to corydoras, should be kept in groups of their own species, minimum 4. So, four peppered, or four albino. or *maybe* two of each, but not one of each.

If you are keeping guppies you need to have capacity for lots of fry. It's not a good idea to keep bettas with guppies cos they will foten fight. also some people believe keeping a betta in such a big tank can shorten its lifespan but i will not go ito this as i am no expert.

I'ma fraid at over a foot long the silver shark is far too big and needs to be kept in a group, anyway :(

Tetras should be ok but 6 of each would be better tehy are a shoaling fish..

anywho, I'm not writing off your stocking plan, just wanted to give you a few things to consider before you made your final choices. :)
Thanks for the advice, all taken on board, time to have a small shuffle I think. :thumbs:
Ok, what about this combination. Is this over stocked or room for more?

Size and volume as in first post.

Catfish (Albino) x2
Catfish (Peppered) x2
Guppy (Female) x3
Guppy (Male) x1
Small Otocinclus Catfish x2
Red Tail Shark x1
Tetra (Black Neon) x4
Tetra (Neon) x6

looks good :) I would think of that as full because I tend to use a stocking rule based on surface area that gives your tank 36" of fish space, however now ithink of it you could porbably fit in a bit more cos you have lots of aeration..... :) make sure to get fine gravel or sand so the catfish can dig.

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