your thoughts on my nimbochromis venustus


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Mar 1, 2004
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Calgary Alberta,
So i have the venustus and as i heard they are extremely agrsive and large
Is my 90 gallon too small?
I hear it may be hard but i'd like to keep him/her with my mbuna will this work? i am planing a more agrisive centered tank with lombardoi and demasoni
are the demasoni considered bite-sized?
Will it eat synodontis petricola?
any tips suggestions for keeping my venustus, and aagrisive tank?

A 90 is small for a fully grown venestus, but would work for a while. An adult can easily have Demasoni for breakfast, and while in general Demasoni is probably the more aggressive of the two, the Venestus can still catch and eat them through their ambush technique.

Venestus are really best in a species tank, or with similar size and aggressive haps.
would work for a while what do you mean? thanks

in your opinion do i have to get rid of him?
If you already have him I'd say keep an eye on things, you should have no proble being able to tell if he isn't working anymore.

'A while' is vague because there is no real time, it depends how quickly he grows for you. The larger they grow the slower they grow, so you don't have to worry about it yet.

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