Your Opinion Please


Fish Crazy
Apr 12, 2006
Reaction score
Chicago, il USA
im planning on starting a 29g reef tank but i'd like ur guys opinon. i got some very appriciated advice on what wouls work and what to get. here it is and any comments would help

Sand: argonite 1-2 inches

Rock: 25 lbs LR; 25 lbs base lace rock

Salt: ocean pure or instant ocean

Flow: 2 maxijet 900/230 gph

Skimmer: coral life super skimmer

Light: Power Compacts coral life or CurrentUSA 2 65W or something

pulsing xenia
kenya tree colt

Food: mysis piscene energetitics
cyclopleeze or sumtin
hiraki pellets; NLS
Marine Cuisine

as for stocking i was thinking a yellow watchman goby, a pistol shrimp, 1 purple firefish and one O. Clown

clean up would be: 4 turbo snails; 10 nassarius; 10 artera; 5 nerite and i like bumblebee snails but i hear they dont do much...

thanks for reading and please gimme ur imput :hyper: :good:
Tbh that sounds decent to me! I wld go for instant ocean salt and RO or reef crystals, as one i use them and they rule plus ive never used ocean pure. I wouldnt go for 25 lbs of base rock imo, maybe only 10 cos you dont want to over crowd the tank.
Also be warned firefish tend to jump out of the tank if you have got a open top PC light.
ok. thanks. do u know anything i can substitute the firefish for? just not another clown.. or orange

and i forgot to mention one cleaner shrimp
Well you can layer grids ontop to stop this but urmm, id go like (if it was my tank)

2x o. clowns
1x watchman goby
1x p. shrimp
1x six line wrasse
1x royal gramma or maybe a blenny of some sort.
oh. i've heard blennys and gobies dont get along but thank you.

but i was thinking a yellow stripe clingfish.... i need to do more research tho
i really like those grammas!! if i can i'll try to get a pair and skip the clown but if i dont find one i'll just get one of each. thanks!
Sounds good to me :). Just remember, when hoosing live rock, select longer and thinner pieces to allow easier fitting in the slender dimensions of the 29.
ok. i've made some changes to my selection of fish

1 royal gramma [me like]
1 purple firefish
1 wheelers goby /or mayb a yashia... those are RAW or some other smaller shrimp goby
1 pistol shrimp
mayb 1 cleaner shrimp but im not real sure.

if i do something larger like a 40g i'd like to get a perc or false perc clown fish.

and i was thinking about taking something out and getting a yellowhead jawfish. those are so cool! but i dont know much about th mand i hear theyre shy so i'll do some research
Jawfish are shy but otherwise easy to keep in an aquarium. I'd beware the gramma, especially mixed with a purple firefish. The grammas are exceptionally aggressive, and even more aggressive to other fish with similar body shape and color (purple firefish being a perfect example).
Well, putting a gramma in a smaller tank with other fish is kinda like playing with fire if you ask me... Sooner or later you're probably gonna get burned :unsure:. These fish are best placed in larger tanks or as a single fish in a nano.

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