Your Oldest Betta?


Fish Aficionado
May 11, 2005
Reaction score
How long has your betta been with you?
How old is it?

My Betta Smokey is about 1 year and a few months
My betta officer has been with me about a year.
My new baby, he's just under a month with me.....

You guys?
What the longest a betta has lived?
I've had a betta over two years when I was younger.

My oldest one now is Carp. I've had him since March of this year. I think he was somewhere around 1 year when I got him (petco betta).
I've only been keeping bettas since April. Flare, my red CT was the first that I bought and I've still got him, so I think I've had him for 6 months, which probably makes him 9-10 months old.

My aunt had a betta living in a vase on her kitchen table for 5 years! It was one of those horrid set-ups with the betta in the vase with the plant on top. I was able to convince her to get a bigger vase and to feed the betta and change his water regularly, so it wasn't so bad. All five years, that plant never bloomed, but the day the betta died, it bloomed a white lilly. It was pretty cool. :)
I've had my boy Sebastian for 1 year and 2 months, and he's from the pet store, so I'm guessing he's at least a couple years old. I've had Sebastian and Ariel for 1 year and 1 month. And the rest I've had anywhere from 1 year to 2 weeks.
Ryujin was imported by the reseller August 2005. He was about 5-6 months old by than since he was pretty much full size when he came in I was told. He is a "jumbo" plakat... about twice the body mass of my other Plakats. Not to long but a stocky fellow. I got him in November 2004. He was "acquired" by my girlfriend earlier this year as a mate for her large female crowntail ... Kichi... that girl is big... she eats snails for breakfast literally... she tips them over and sucks the out of their shells... and the smaller ones... she is less subtle.

Anyway back on topic. That would make him 19-20 months old.

Here is Ryujin by the way, just out of the breeding tank:


Spawned with Kichi tiwce this quarter...eggs never hatch.... but they are both pretty old fish so I guess that might explain it (Kichi came in with the same batch but she was a tiny fish than, so my quess is a month or two younger)
My last Betta, Bo Jangles, lived to be about 3 1/2 years old. He was a purple marble, seriously. I got him from a local breeder who is friends with my Aunt when he was about 6 months old, after he failed spawning a few times... :look:. I lurved my Bo Jangles, he never had any illnesses, he loved his 5gallon tank and he was happy and flarey until the moment he died.
Ah.......My oldest betta and my first I love him so much (his a VT)

His been through alot..... He jumped out his tank and went behind the fridge....I thought for sure he would be dead, but i put him in the water and he was chillin (Get it....Chillin!? :lol: .......... :unsure: )

One time I put him in a cup in my sorority while I was doing a water change.....and he jumped out and got destroyed by females :(

This was about 3 months ago....

Than this was 2 weeks later :thumbs:

This is him now :hyper:

His my buddy B) Ive had him for 2 years meanings his 3 years old.....His time will come soon :sad: but no one can live forever so its ok ;)

Heres his wearing a 5'0 shadow and a soul patch :lol:
My Saturn is atleast 2 years old, I've had him for about two years, maybe a little longer. And I don't know how old he was when I got him.

And my little female is almost 2 years, I got her about a month or two after Saturn. They're both still kickin.
So most bettas libe like....2-3 years?
Oh boy.
Not that I'm excited for them to die...but what If I suddenly "lose intrest" in bettas for a while? I know its happened before...
Mhmhmh....Maybe it'll be like my gouramis, once your hooked, theres a one in 100 chance you'll hate to leave it?
I've had my oldest guy since grade 6, and I'm in grade 9 now, so I've had him for a little over 3 years, and he was anywhere from 6 months to 1 year when I got him, so he's atleast 3 years and 6 months, but he could be as old as 4 years.
Mine was Neptune (long past) Cambodian, Multi Colored VT. Lived about 1 1/2 years with me, than, I found him dead. Was a Walmart buy, and was very pretty. He was my first betta, I miss him.

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