Your Not Going To Believe What I Saw On Tv This Morning


Sep 3, 2005
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Every saturday morning I watch this TV show called "pet keeping with Marc Morrone" and todays episode started with him talking about bettas and he had about 5 1g bowls with male bettas in it then he had a slightly smaller bowl with about 8 female bettas in it! And he said it was ok to have females together because they were sisters. Do you think he was referring to them if they were in the right size tank or do you think he was saying you could have female bettas together in such a small tank because they are sisters?

BTW here is his site
Lets hope so :/ He should really be setting a good example...he could have at least gave out some minimum tank specs and explained that the female bowl is just for display on the show. :|
I have seen his show before. I just read some things on his site. I can't believe he is saying 20% water changes ONCE A MONTH. He is knowledgable in some pets but obviously not water changes to keep fish healthy.
Oh my, once a month?

Anyway, sisters are generally safer together but I wouldn't ever, ever shove 8 of them in something smaller than a gallon!
My lfs keeps female fighter in a 30 gallon tank... theress bout 50 of em in there but bout 10 have bin sold and its all written in the glass.. even had some cambodian crowntail females... i don@t know why i posted this i think ill go back to sleep :*)
Notice on the pet care tips he besides him saying 20% 1 a month he only says check your P.H.
Have you guys ever watched this show before?

The first time I saw his show, I thought it was pretty funny how all the animals just run all over the place. But he got annoying quick! Yet another reason of many to hate him.
I have seen his show too, and looked at his site. I never did really like him. I remember he did have a good episode on cleaning bird cages, but 99% of the time he is annoying, and you can tell the animals are just dying to get away from him.
Besides that big red bird that always sitting on his shoulder trying to steal his glasses. :p

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