Your first fish

This same question seems to come up every so often :)
Mine was probably a goldfish - too long ago to really remember.
Here's a fairly recent topic with some instant answers.
I started with a common goldfish my Dad won for me at a fair when I was five, he died when I was nineteen :-(

I too started with a bit of a stab in the dark! Keeping fish was an idea i liked and that was all the knowledge i had. My first fish were 4 neon tetra and a pleco. all died with in days - made me very sad! and now those of you out there who are gurrus on this will nail me to my tank for fish cruelty, but in honesty i did not know better. I tok it as a challenge and then listened to one single bit of advice - GO SLOW - i restarted the tank, just the decor and water, left it for a week then added - literally one fish at a time, waiting about 2 weeks between new addition. Yip neons were used again and with time i had 6 (which i was advised is a great number as they are A schooling species), 4 zebr diano's and 1 pleco. this seemed to work quite well so i left it at that for a while to relax and just enjoy the tank.

Tropjunky said:
I started with a betta and 2 serasa commets. all but one dead :byebye: and even then i'm not sure cos I had to sell them as they got too big for the tank.

what did u start wit and are they still alive
Ohh, first fish, hmm..... (checking back in the old grey matter).

First cold water fish were a weather loach and a blackmoor goldfish.

First tropical fish had to be guppies and an albino clown loach (yes, I know nobody believes me on that one but it's true).

First frog was an african clawed frog called 'Claude' (original I know).

First news were a pair of Japanese firebellied newts ('Rock' and 'Roll')
my first fish was a goldfish called chuckle, i think i had, had him for 4 years then he died :-(
Depends on the definition of "first fish." When I was little, the family had a 10g with Angels and Guppies plus some other fish but I don't remember many details. We didn't have the tank for very long. A few years maybe. Later I had off and on kept fish in small containers caught from a flood drainage where I lived but of course they died.

"Properly" in an aquarium was a pair of goldfish which died within a few weeks. That was a 5g and I didn't know any better back then. :p I have a cory that's around 4 years old now which is the oldest fish I have kept, and it started out in that 5g with a different goldfish.
fairground goldfish.He didnt live very long,then i got mollies to replace him!then i found tff
First fish was a goldfish when I was 5, called Goldie. Died when I was 28. Waited for him to die for over 20 years so I could have tropicals, but was gutted when it happened. He has a decorated piece of paving slab as a gravestone at the bottom of my parent's garden, alongside the ferret and cats.

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