Your drospy meds?


Addicted and in Therapy
Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
Wichita, KS
Hi all. Yesterday my most beautiful male platy was looking pretty bloated... and today he is even worse, with his scales sticking out. :-( The thing is, I don't want to treat that entire tank with meds that really won't do anything. I'm wondering if y'all have had success with anything in particular? The only thing I have that might help is the antibacterial Neomycin. Any ideas or suggestions are welcome. I don't want to lose him, but really don't have any hope as I have never brought a fish back from dropsy. *sigh* :no:
Not too long ago one of my young mollies had dropsy and it looked like the others were getting it as well. I had heard that any medications by Mardel were the best so I picked up some Mardel Maracyn-Two and treated the tank for 10 days. The symptoms went down and dissappeared. I didn't lose any fish!!!! I guess I just caught it early enough. Good luck!!
Abdominal drobsy is caused by a bacterial infection and the whole tank must be treated to prevent its spread. Once a fish is infected with dropsy it is unlikely to respond to treatment and should really be euthanased immiedietly.
Thanks CFC. Unfortunately, there is no way I can euthanize, that's just too difficult for me. :/ However, if I need to treat the tank I will do so immediately. I just don't know what med(s) to use. Do you have any recommendations?
I would love to help but being here in England i dont know what is available to you on the american market, my preffered medication for bacterial infections is Interpet #9 anti internal bacteria med but i dont know if you can get it there.

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