Your Dream Tank...

Scott MacAdam

Fish Addict
Jul 24, 2005
Reaction score
Halifax, Canada
Hey everyone. Just curious. We talk about what we DO have a lot on here but I'm thinking what you would get if money, maintainence, and size were of no concern. I'm talking DREAM tank here folks... Let me have it! Lol

For me, at least 300gal display tank, large group of discus and plenty of shoals of smaller fish, heavily planted and maybe a small ray for the bottom or some oddball of the sorts.

How about YOU fellow fish keepers?
I used to have my dream tank, a tropical marine reef tank packed full of life, the guys in the fish shop used to love me :shout:

I spent about £6000 on it :)

Unfortunately i decided to split with my girlfriend and had to sell it fast and only got £1k for it, this put me off for about 5 years and only recently got 2 more tanks, so I'm back to 850l of water in my front room :good:
Incidentally when i went back to the fish shop the guys eyes lit up
820L with discus, angels, platys (love em) and a bunch of tetras differing species. Black sand, 3D back, heavily planted. Moonlighting through parts.

Definately not enough space right now though, and tank is kept in my bedroom upstairs!! Floor won't hold much I don't think. Got a 120L coming :)

One day we'll all get our dream tanks, one way or another :D

Laura x
Discus tank with a bunch of rummynose tetra, cardinals & rams.
Another massive tank for some other cichlids, not sure what - red terrors, jaguars or something lol.
I have my dream tank...well, almost. It's 140 gallons and is filled with various tetra, gourami, catfish and shrimp. The "almost" part is because I always wanted a big tank to be a room divider, so you could see it from both sides. That part will have to wait for now.
A pressurised tank with deep sea, bio-luminescent jellyfish :)
+1 for the room sized tank and jelly fish tank =)

I always wanted one of those cylinder tanks for the jelly fish, floor to ceiling. And I want a huge tank that looks like it should belong in a aquarium xD. Haven't thought of fish tho.

Can you imagine if you owned one of these though and it busted? That would be insane.
My dream is kind of ridiculous but since the thread is about the DREAM TANK I'll just spill.

My biggest dream is to have my own Whale shark. I have no idea why, I even daydream about it. They're just my thing. That would be so amazing.
...I always wanted a big tank to be a room divider, so you could see it from both sides. That part will have to wait for now.

AWESOME idea.... I'm totally doing that some day

I started a thread about this awhile back, asking what people thought. right now i have a 4ft tank dividing a room. Its not really big enough to really divide the room, i need something taller for more impact i think, but i do notice my fish dont like not having some sort of background where they can hide, since 3/4 of their tank walls are exposed, i try to walk slower past it, so as to not frighten them. If i had the room, i would set the tank up traditionally with one back against the wall, just for the fishes sake.
A huge tank split into about 10 sections, each section housing a male betta with a different tail type and colour and a shoal of some small fishies like chilli rasbora or neon green rasbora. And it'd be all nicely scaped and planted and have a lighting scheme with different colour settings. :lol:

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