Hi, I am the wife of CJK
I brought my young son two goldfish, quite a few years ago now (he's 8 was only about 4 then). I put them into what must have been round about 7gallons of square tank. Brought them a bubble wall, weed, undergravel filter
and cleaned them out twice a week!! Those poor goldfish when I look back, were put into room temperature water with no water conditioner added
I had no idea at that point that this stuff had been invented or needed!!! The worse part was....100per cent water changes twice a week
I was so proud of them, always in a clean tank, always swimming in the bubble wall, I thought I was such a good fishkeeper 8) In the end I gave them to a friend to put into his huge pond in his back garden because my son lost interest in them, cos they never did anything
Those poor fish, I wonder what their life was really like for them with the 100per cent water changes with no conditioner added. I have to add though, I never had them fall sick and they looked very healthy with good colouring so who knows!!! Outgrew the tank though by the age of one year.