I just had a very strange experience, I was feeding one of my betta's and he leaped out of the water and clamped onto my finger! And he really got a good grip! Too funny! Ever happened to any of you guys?
He was thinking " Wow now THATS a worm!"
I rearange my tanks a lot to keep the fishies curious, the other 2 move away from my hand but Leo circles it, stares, then nibbles the bubbles off my hand. He is so my little prince in shining scales.
Yep! Just the other night, he always nips worms off my finger but the other night he latched on and I got such a fright I nearly pulled him out of the water All's well tho!
One of my female jumps quite alot (and high too) so I never stick my finger in her container for fear of her not lettin go. My male betta on the other hand, cannot bite or jump. He would NIBBLE my finger but you could barely feel it. It tickles
Just lastnight I was doing a water change and cleaning the sand in my 120 gallon and usually my dalmation molly and her 7 fry will latch onto my arm and peck at it and it tickles and doesn't hurt, then all of a sudden I feel this bite and then it kind of shook back and forth. I looked down at my arm and there was a female betta attached to my arm hair. I hadn't fed them that morning and she wanted to let me know who was boss.
A couple days ago I was fishing a half eaten pea from between the rocks in Pooky's tank and he tried biting the end of my fingernail. Aka and Saburo don't mind me sticking my hands in the tank, and if I left it in there long enough they'd probably try biting, but Dacey runs for dear life.
Mine nip me everytime I put my hand in. One of them scared the crap out of me the first time he did it. I jumped and I think scared teh crap out of him. I feed them off my finger so they think there is supposed to be food attached when a hand enters the water.