Young Apple Snails - Purple, Pink And Possibly Blues


Is now at University! :D
Mar 26, 2009
Reaction score
Uk, Nottinghamshire
Livestock: Apple Snails
Quantity for sale: 10
Reason for Sale: Hatched from my adult snails and I have picked out the colours I want to keep, these are what was left.
Delivery or Collection: Either
Sales price: £1.50
Postage & Packaging: £2.50
Location: Nottingham
Picture: Just need to resize and upload.

There are:

0 x Bright purple with dark purple stripes and black foot All sold, Gruffalo x 2, Dipsy x 1


0 x Bright purple with dark purple stripes and white foot (Shell partly see through and therefore looks pink with purple stripes when grown) All sold, Dipsy x 1, Digdog x 1


0 x Pale purple/blue, dark footed. Not sure if these guys will grow to be pale purple or blue shelled. My guess is blue. All sold, Digdog x 5

Edit: Oh and for anyone buying snails if you want a few mts thrown in for free then just mention it and I'll pop a few in with the apple(s).

I tried to get colours as close to true as possible. But the ones that I think will grow into blues don't look as blue in real life as they do on the pictures. However it does reinforce me thinking they'll end up blue.
They are coming, my computer it throwing a tantrum though so I'm having to do it on my bfs and he's working. I'd imagine they'll be up within the next half hour. :)
I would be interested too please. I can't decide which colours yet though!
I've changed my mind. I'd just like to get one instead of two please (I'd like the purple with white foot for definate).

I'd love two but I don't have facilities for them to breed; so I'll stick with the one; and when I get another bigger tank I might be back for more).

Edit: Just pm me your details and I'll get on to it :)
Hi ya,

Would you be interested in a exchange for Ivory Apple snails. I'm willing to post see pic below.

snails 3.jpg
@Dipsydoodle - You don't have to worry about them breeding. My adult female that these guys came from has laid several clutches and I've only let this small one hatch. Normally I'd just pull them off and chuck them away but I fancied seeing what came out of the cross.

If you still just want the one then just say and I'll PM details over.

@Little monkey - Thanks but I have kept a couple of ivories from this clutch. Infact I've kept two ivories, two pink stripes, two blues and two bright purple with dark purple stripes.
I would like two of the bright purple snails please, they are lovely!
@Dipsydoodle - You don't have to worry about them breeding. My adult female that these guys came from has laid several clutches and I've only let this small one hatch. Normally I'd just pull them off and chuck them away but I fancied seeing what came out of the cross.

If you still just want the one then just say and I'll PM details over.

I had decided one, two, one, two, one, two but I'm going to stick with one please (purlpe with white foot) and could I have some MTS thrown in as well :).

If you breed another batch then I'd certainly be interested once I've got my bigger tank sorted.
@Dipsydoodle - You don't have to worry about them breeding. My adult female that these guys came from has laid several clutches and I've only let this small one hatch. Normally I'd just pull them off and chuck them away but I fancied seeing what came out of the cross.

If you still just want the one then just say and I'll PM details over.

@Little monkey - Thanks but I have kept a couple of ivories from this clutch. Infact I've kept two ivories, two pink stripes, two blues and two bright purple with dark purple stripes.

Not a problem.
Okie dokes, so let me just double check I have this right...

Dipsydoodle - Purple striped with white foot and a few mts Total: £4

Gruffalo - Two bright purples with a dark foot? And no mts Total: £5.50

If this is correct then just say so and I'll send over my details.

Couple of notes though, I forgot to mention their size, the purple/blue ones are around 1cm shell diameter but the bright purples (both white and dark footed) are around 5mm shell diameter. It shouldn't be a problem in any tank that's snail safe, just thought it was worth mentioning.

And I am just waiting on delivery of the postage materials so there is no rush to pay as I am unlikely to be able to post them out till Tuesday. N they will becoming by first class recorded so if there isn't going to be anyone in to sign for the delivery then we'll sort out a different delivery day.
Yes please that would be great, I don't think I can use the pm facility yet though, I have emailed you so if you want to send your details that way instead? :) Next week will be fine, it will give me chance to think of some names! :D
Can I change my mind again please?? I was looking at my tank last night and I was thinking that 2 would definately be fine in there :)

One purple striped with white foot and one purple with dark foot please; some MTS; so it'll be £5.50 like Gruffalo :).

Snail size is perfect for me :).
Gruffalo - The email hasn't come through, I'll just double check my email settings.

Dipsy - I'll PM my details over, as I said don't rush to pay. Monday would be fine, hopefully the postage stuff will have arrived by then.

Purple striped with white foot and plain or striped? purple with dark foot.... and some mts :)
Dipsy - I'll PM my details over, as I said don't rush to pay. Monday would be fine, hopefully the postage stuff will have arrived by then.

Purple striped with white foot and plain or striped? purple with dark foot.... and some mts :)

Purple striped with dark foot (sorry I assumed you were a mind reader there).

I'll confirm my address with you as of Monday (I was going to get them sent to work; but I seem to have caught the lurgy so I'll see how I feel and if I'm off I'll obviously get them delivered to home). But thats easy enough to do :)

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