You thought the Spongebob Tank was small


Fish Gatherer
Dec 6, 2003
Reaction score
Southern Ontario, Canada
I was at my lfs, and when I was leaving, I saw this. Tiny. I bet it holds 8oz. If that. Scroll down to Betta World.


When will these companies learn that fish need more space than that? :no:
Well that's not AS bad, because bettas don't need that much water to survive, but they do a ton better in a larger tank.
LoachLover Posted on Feb 28 2005, 02:36 AM
Well that's not AS bad, because bettas don't need that much water to survive, but they do a ton better in a larger tank.

What's not AS bad? A pet store employee telling me that bettas prefer to live in small plastic cups?
My sister in law has a couple of bettas for their kids....they have these small bowls, I think she got them from Walmart, that have little overhead lights on them. They seemed not a whole lot bigger than the cups they're sold in!

I've never had a betta in my life, but if I got a small tank, I'd surely consider rescuing one myself.
BettaMomma said:
LoachLover Posted on Feb 28 2005, 02:36 AM
  Well that's not AS bad, because bettas don't need that much water to survive, but they do a ton better in a larger tank. 

What's not AS bad? A pet store employee telling me that bettas prefer to live in small plastic cups?
How about a pet store OWNER that told me that you can keep a betta in a coffee mug. :crazy:

btw I think some people in this thread are thinking of the betta bow front cube shown at the top of the tank, but the OP is talking about the betta world tank which is about halfway down the page. Which, IMO, are pretty dang ugly.
Wouldn't it be cheaper just to keep it in the plastic bag that the betta came in, from the aquarium shop(!) :grr:

Although betta don't require as much oxygenated water to be able to breathe, they do require space to be able to swim in, and these small containers, (you can't call they tanks), do not provide that at all.
See my post up above where I put up a link to another thread.
Click it to read the story of how PetWorld here in town gave me the story yesterday that bettas PREFER to live in those plastic cups.

You know, what on earth happened to the gallon per inch rule? Many adult bettas are closing in on 3 inches. How anyone could keep them in less than a gallon boggles my mind, and frankly I know that most responsible fishkeepers wouldn't keep a fish of the same size but a different species in anything less than 5 gallons. I hate this idea that "if an animal can survive in poor conditions, it should." I thought life was about more than surviving? Dogs suvive plenty well on 3 feet of chain in your back yard so long as they're fed and watered, but its a horrible quality of life. And people can live in filth and poverty in tiny ghetto shacks, but it doesnt mean its good for them. Yeesh.

Speaking of a poor quality of life, just look at those 3/5 gallon to 4 gallon tanks, which they suggest in the pictures are a-ok for goldfish, anoles, and hamsters. Where does the hammie get its exersize? That's hardly big enough for it to turn about in. And don't tell me the anole is secure and happy; you can't fit any good climbing or hiding in there. As for the goldfish? Do not even get me started...

We spend a lot of time ranting and raving about irresponsible pet owners, but with the products stores push for animals, is it any wonder so many are living horrible lives?

edit: hey, click "next" and prepare to be appaled.
Waterworld: the perfect goldfish bowl.
1.25 gallons. Great for bettas, guppies, or goldfish!

Small World Nursery (.5-5 gallons)
Great for hamsters, gerbils, turtles, tropical fish, frogs, and snakes
Ok... you need a MINIMUM of 10 gallons PER GERBIL with several inches of substrate, and the same is probably true for hamsters. As for turtles, what turtle won't outgrow that one day, and what snake for that matter? That tank is completely inadequate for every species listed! What a horrible, horrible store. :angry:
The hamster one is wrong. Hamsters grow to about 15cm+ long (well at least mine have, but I probably have jumbo hamsters) and mice need lots of space because they are so active. I feel bad about keeping one of my hamsters in a 60cm long x 30cm wide is cage, shes only in there because that was the only spare cage we had left when my uncle gave her to us.
I no betta's don't need alot of water, but don't they get bored in a little tank, never kept them so don't no.
from the original link:

omg... is that a German Ram in with that Goldfish?!? Rams are fickle in a large, well-filtered, temperature-regulated tank... People are so stupid...

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