You should see this If you are new to fish world.


Oct 20, 2003
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Australia!!!! (I wish) :(
Everyone asks how many times a day do you feed your fishies?
Well the answer is 1 or 2 times a day.

Do fish really make bubbles?
No not really, the only time I have seen it is when my gourami was eating, sometimes when the go really fast bubbles escape it's gills.

What are some good community fish?
Blackskirt Tetras, Neon Tetras, Zebra Danios, Leopard Danios, Betta, Glass Fish, and Maybe some Minnows.(I have some and they are peaceful.)

Why don't I mix bettas with goldfish?
Goldfish are coldwater fish they need colder water than bettas. Bettas are tropical fish, goldfish aren't.

How big of tank do I need for goldfish?
Goldfish need huge tanks! They need lots of swimming space and some plants.

With fish can jump out of the tank easily?
Bettas, Archerfish, hatchetfish, and all tank fish can.

Betta with gourami?
Gouramis are related to bettas, well they just might think it is another betta, and fight with each other. Some people have managed to keep a gourami with a betta.(I wouldn't try it if I were you.)

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