You people needed to do this


Jun 18, 2004
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You guys, meh. How come you didn't stress how much bloodworms kick butt? They are amazing. Bought them, fed them, and my bettas ate like it was after lent without food. :fun: Now, they are flaring and building nests. :clap:
pffft,I believe everybody went on and on about bw's to you for quite some time :rolleyes: :p

Bubble nests,aay? See?! :p
How often should you feed bloodworm to the betta? I feed Domino Hikari Betta Bio-Gold, and he also eats the sinking food i put in for the cories. How often, with this kinda feeding should I give bloodworm? :)
Helium_Junkie said:
How often should you feed bloodworm to the betta? I feed Domino Hikari Betta Bio-Gold, and he also eats the sinking food i put in for the cories. How often, with this kinda feeding should I give bloodworm? :)
I try to feed it to my Bettas 2-3 times a week. :)
Hi Helium_Junkie :)

When you feed them to the betta, be sure to put in enough for the corys, because live or frozen foods are an important part of their diet too. :D
I over feed mine wth blood worms :*) they are spoiled rotten ...I havn't had a chance too get any betta bites yet and I give them brine shrimp about 2 times a week and blood worms 3 or 4 times a week plus flake foods.... But my females are in betta keepers and all of the food goes right through the slats and my mollies eat some of it after their Blood worms (they're pigs) also my pleco eats about EVERYTHING that drops too the bottom like a cory so I don't need any other bottom feeders :p As inch worm suggested let your corys have some live food as well it's very good for them and they LOVE them ;)
Helium_Junkie said:
How often should you feed bloodworm to the betta? I feed Domino Hikari Betta Bio-Gold, and he also eats the sinking food i put in for the cories. How often, with this kinda feeding should I give bloodworm? :)
A couple/few times a week. You'll see a big improvement in health by varying their diet.

Bloodworms are a way of life around my house :look: I go through so many,it's not even funny.

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