you guys will freak when you see this!

Its working for me.
This link has already been discussed in a thread about a month ago I believe, but I might be wrong on the date (as in, longer ago). Unfortunatly, I cant find the link anywhere.
Glass Block Tank

Try this link.
Yeah, I've seen it.
I sent them a nasty email.
Got a nasty "mind your own business - I know more about fish than you will ever care to know" response.

It did make me furious.
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no. I'll try it when I get home.

but by what that link says, is it one of those narrow square tanks (shouldnt say tanks) with really thick glass and sand on the bottom with a tiny hole on top just for feeding?

They sell those everywhere now?
it's one of those thick glass blocks you would see in buildings made in the 70s i think. here's a photo he used on his ebay listing:

the worst part about the listing was the video!
This little tank has poped up on the forums a couple of times.
I saw the video as well. I can't believe they pour a betta through a funnel!!!!
and they use a turkey Baster to clean the tank! I was disgusted when I saw that as well. they were selling them in the mall, havent been there for a month before they went out of business :p

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