You guys agree with me??


Fish Fanatic
Jan 29, 2004
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:sick: I think I'm probably just venting here, but do you all agree with me that I'm sick of the fish stores not taking care of their fish, and especially making sure that the fish you buy are disease-free. The last 8 fish I've gotten from 3 different local fish stores all had something wrong with them. One brought anchorworms, others brought ick, another had swim bladder, and some just seem fine for a couple of days and then just die. The 6 fish I've had since the beginning of my tank all seem to be such troopers. Sometimes they will get infected, but they have so far been able to bounce back ok with treatment. Only a couple I've bought since have been good fish and have survived with no problems. When I was at the fish store the other day, I was apalled to see a tank of neons with 3 of them just covered totally with ick or something similar. There are also times when I see some half dead ones in their tanks. Shouldn't the sick fish be taken out at least? :angry: What are your thoughts about this topic?
PS: The fish look perfectly fine when you buy them. It's a day or so afterwards that you notice a problem.
moved this topic.

do agree with you. have rescued many fish from stores and owners that were being missed treated. it's a shame that some people have no respect for the quality of life for all creatures

My Betta was in a sorry state when I got him. They had 9-10 others and they had all died after I resuced him :sad:

Its actually one of the better lfs I have seen and their advice is ok (never 100% but better than your average). But to sell what are clearly ill fish is wrong. They should have been seperated and medicated.

I managed to save my little bruno but his plumage will never be the same and shows what a time he went through. Didn't eat for 2 weeks I was so worried and he had lost so much skin etc. Anyway he a little fighter now and loves to play.

Some lfs's tho... :sick: There is a general pet shop around the corner from me they have about 5 tanks that are green and horrid and I can believe they live long. It's a real shame. They keep bunnies in the window to in the hight of summer... makes me :crazy:
As much as "rescuing" a mistreated fish may seem like a good idea, all it does is give money to the people who are doing this and provides economic justification for their behavior.

If at all possible, purchase your fish from a source that understands and cares about the welfare of the animals they sell.
stacey if you have bought 8 fish from 3 different stores and you are still having problems I would first look into your water quality and also how you are acclimating them to the water in your fishtank.
If you see fish or any other creature that is obviously mistreated in a petshop or lfs, then get in touch with the RSPCA (in the UK) and report them. I've done that before and the owner was fined and his shop closed down.
gadazobe said:
If you see fish or any other creature that is obviously mistreated in a petshop or lfs, then get in touch with the RSPCA (in the UK) and report them. I've done that before and the owner was fined and his shop closed down.
That may work in the UK, but in the US, fish shops can pretty much boil the fish alive in front of you and there's not much you can do about it. Fish have almost no legal standing as far as cruelty goes.

See also: Puppy/kitten mills (VERY loosely regulated)

God, American capitalism makes me sick some days...
I found out that a shop I used to purchase from in another city was under new ownership. After I bought plants and put them in my tank. They see $$$ and that was it. :grr:

I learned the hard way. My next purchase is a quarantine tank. Nothing goes in my tanks without setting there for awhile. I put in new plants and lost a fish, medicating for parasites and had an nitrate spike. Another 5 gal quarantine would have been cheaper. :sad:
we only have a small pet shop here and they don't take care of the aniamals at all. I first bought a fire skenk(lizard for my nephew, they held the fish for me until his birthday a couple days during which I searched the internet about care of the lizard, there was a long list of things I needed to buy and specific directions for care, when I asked the owner of the shop about these things they told me not to do all that stuff, needless to say he lived 2 days, I went back and caried his body to them I was mad for $100 I don't want him to die in 2 days anyway they gave me another reptile in its placed a gecko, this tiem I followed instructions on the internet he is now 4 yrs old. Since then I started getting fish, that is the closest place to buy them it's over an hour to another pet store. anyway the tanks are green and have slime on them, dead fish floating around. So I found the cleanest tank, and bought what they told me was a male black molly, my other black molly needed a friend, this one fish has caused more problems than I ever dreamed of, the he had babies the next day, then ich now I've narrowed it down to an internal parasite( maybe) of course they don't have any medications so what do I do now, let her die a miserable death? What can I do I have both Molly's quarentined the other one is acting strange too but the one is not eating or anything. They also have snakes overcrowded and in dirty cages, birds with feather picked out and cats dogs rabbits stacked inwire cages with nothing on the botom but wire. I asked them if they were understaffed and needed help and the woman laughed.
:eek: gingerbread27, that's a terrible story. Makes me sad and mad :crazy:

where is this store? is there anybody you can report this to?
I've seen tanks with 5 dead fish and 1 healthy 1 in it. We got a good store a few miles away. They medicated a tank with sick fish instead of taking no action and most of the fish we get from them (99%) die of age :D . Petco on the other hand has bad bad bad fishkeeping :grr:
lol ever looked at the tanks in wal mart? You're lucky if theres 2 living fish in each tank. They just leave the dead ones in there too and the other fish are picking at them :S :(

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