You girls are soooo funny


If you're a bird, I'm a bird
Mar 5, 2004
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Wyoming, brrrr!
So my friend Emily just started dating this new guy, who I've known all my life and I adore btw ;) Anyway, she calls me today and says that he brought her a betta in lieu of flowers or chocolates and wanted me to come see it :thumbs: She says she's at my friend Shena's and the fish is with her so I head over there :)

I get there and we talk for a few and I say where's the fish and they say "the bathtub" :huh: :eek: "We put chlorine drops in there" So we walk back and as we walk in the bathroom I see this last bit of water go down the drain and no fish :hyper:

I have to admit, they did a good job setting it up, they had dechlorinator, a container, and a net on the counter and you could tell there had been water in the tub, I guess Shena pulled the plug when they saw my headlights. Two things gave it away though, Shena wouldn't look at me and Emily started crying actual tears and saying, "Our love fish is dead!" :rolleyes:

We screw with each other all the time literally everyday, but I have to admit that was pretty good :clap:

that was a preety good prank

Hee hee. That's too funny. Course, I've now heard about the jokes you pull on your girls, so I feel safe in saying you deserved it! :sly: :lol:
You should treat some water with Indian Almond leaves, put it in a cup...and put a Pet store betta in it...and tell them as you passed the storm drain by your house YOU FOUND A BETTA! :lol:

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