You Can Tell I'm Back


Fish Gatherer
Jul 31, 2010
Reaction score
Taunton, Somerset
As I am already on number 3 top poster haha! Unlucky you lot! Wasn't life quieter without me and simpler too!

Well now to rack your brains.

My tank was just ready for my clown fish next week for my birthday which I now have to buy for myself :(
Obviously I have just moved the tank sunday, I topped up the water tonight with fresh salt water and also some RO once I realised the SG had rocketed while I had been away from the tank. I need to arrange the rocks into a better scape tomorrow, spread the sand out and place the corals. I was so happy with my scape before and guarantee I wont be happy with it now.

Any ideas on a scape, do I try and recreate my old one or try something different?

I am getting the water tested most likely Friday at my lfs just to see how it is looking after moving it all, before the move all paras were perfect. Not got my own tests yet though.

If water is ok Friday do you think I still need to wait a few more weeks for fish or could I go ahead and get my clowns next week? My parents dont understand having what looks like an empty tank to them, regardless of the hermits and corals haha

Sorry for the ramble, its late and I dont know what to do with myself, normally wasnt on my own at this time of night and had someone to talk to :(
I'm always on late so feel free to pester me :)

With scaping I find it 100 times easier having someone direct me from outside the tank - get someone to give you a hand but explain what you are after roughly. Just remember to include swim throughs and space for tangs ;)

No harm in freestyling though :lol:

If your tests come back ok, I'd personally be willing to add the clowns - with all your lr they will hardly change a thing parameters wise imo!
If all levels test fine and you don't have any die off I dont see a problem adding the clowns personally :)
Thanks both. I didnt want to rush into adding the clowns in case I should be waiting for a mini cycle or something.
No one will be willing to help me I know that. My ex used to help direct me but obvs not got him and I know my parents wont stand in the garage directing rocks haha!

Im just gutted I lost my scape from before! argh I hate things life throws at you lol

I didnt even think about the tangs when I did my other scape. I think I probably had enough space for them. But just thinking about if I get a regal how big they get in the end! How will they get around the rock haha!
Easily solved, webcam and us lot!

"Left a bit, right a bit, no back where it was!" I can see it now :lol:
You would be amazed what gaps etc regals get into. They are fantastic at getting through rocks and hiding :)
Haha Live rock scaping by weezawoo, I would have to charge a premium for a show like that!

I have a feeling these regals are going to worry me squeezing through places then! They better not knock my stuff off! Im wondering actually if the tank is too small for a regal. How long to they take to reach their full size?
I would not. Tank's been through a major upheaval. I'd get test kits instead. Good, sensible birthday present and then you won't have to rely on a LFS to test your water anymore.

Sorry, I am glum and old... And your corals haven't recovered yet.

+1 ^

Weez test over the next few days as it will hurt more to buy done fish and kill them then it will to wait a week :)

Regarding the aquascaping weez webcam...... I would pay good money to see you aquascape if it's anything like when I do it! Water on the floor, face, Walls and dog. Swearing, more swearing swiftly followed by praying... Followed by more swearing.

Eventually when everything is moved (and most of the water is now on the outside) you realise you can't see anything cos the sand got stirred up.
Ok sensible ones :) most likely will just get nitrate and amm tests to start off.
Sg is better now down to 1.027 after some RO this morning.
My corals were much better last night. Only the toadie being sulky and one zoa. Toadie extended slightly and looked all bumpy

actualy i would be boring to watch then as i dont tend to spill much, try not to swear and my dog just keeps a watchful eye on me checking what im doing lol. But i do see a lot of problems this time round as gota take rock out to even the sand out grrr
I would not. Tank's been through a major upheaval. I'd get test kits instead. Good, sensible birthday present and then you won't have to rely on a LFS to test your water anymore.

Sorry, I am glum and old... And your corals haven't recovered yet.


I agree 100% weez, forget ANY livestock until you have all the important test kits AND a refractometer.

Your tank has been disturbed and you need to leave it to settle for a while. If the substrate has been disturbed then you may get a small spike so grab some test kits and test over the next few days and get your salt level to acceptable levels first.
I'd agree with waiting

And have fun with scapeing

I also am eager to start scapeing then get annoyed then get really annoyed then break spill or drop something then get finished and realise I need to change a few bits ( which then they topple everything :lol:)

Good luck lol
I know the feeling Bae. I think it looks good but one rock needs to twist slightly and thats it all fall! haha!
Am attempting it tonight to get a scape. Checking SG when Im home. I cant decide what test kit to go for, everyone says salifert but my lfs say tropic marin. Also not sure whether to buy in my lfs or online. Do you think I am ok just amm and nitrate for now? Got to be careful spending as I now have my parents on my back watching every bit of money I spend!
Everyone is saying wait and test over the next few days .. Weez said she was testing friday so if there was going to be any spike it would be showing by then.

I do agree about getting a kit ASAP though rather than having to rely on LFS :)
Yeah ammonia and nitrate are a good start but look for a full test kit secondhand off eBay as you'd be best with ammonia, nitrate, phosphate nitrite Ph etc and calcium kh etc if you plan to keep hard corals

But ammonia and nitrate will be a start

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