

Jul 27, 2003
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Idaho, USA
One of my females if FINALLY pregnant!!! I'm so excited, but I need help...because this is my first time having fry...and I only started keeping fish in April of this year.

So, what type of stuff do I need to get, before they get here? When, and how do I need to seperate Sunshine (the pregnant molly) so that I don't have to try and catch fry? I was thinking about getting another 10 gallon tank, and putting her in that, so, would that work? Or should it be bigger, smaller? Or should I just leave them in the main tank and try to catch them? Should I use a breeding net? And if so, where do I find one (I live in Idaho, USA)?

And when the fry get here, what do I feed them? I know that liquidfry stuff...but where do I find that (again in the USA)? How long do I feed them different stuff than the older fish? And how long until I can give them to friends, and try to sell them to the pet shop (the ones that I decide not to keep)?

Any and all help is appriciated...I'll post a picture of Sunshine here in a minute...she is a wiggle worm, so I'm having a hard time getting a clear picture of her. But I'm trying. :nod:
Ok, here are the pictures of Sunshine. The top one was taken July 26th and the bottom one was taken August 12th. So you can see how much she has bloated in the last 2 1/2 weeks. :nod:


Also, can any of you tell me, by her size, about how long it will be until she has the babies? I know that is probably hard to do, if not imposible, but if any of you have been breeding mollies for a while, I figure you might have a guest-a-ment. She has been with the male the whole time I have had her...and I got them from the same tank at the pet store. So she could have been pregnant when I got her...but she didn't start showing until yesterday (that I noticed).
Buy the looks of the picture you could have some in a week or so!! :D

If you want to get the 10 gal tank that will be fine BUT make sure it is cycled before you put the fish in there, you can take some gravel from the other tank to help with the cycle....Make sure the tank is heavily planted for the little ones to hide in...I have a breeding net but my female gets WAY to stressed when I put her in there...When she has hers I just catch them in the main tank, I have alot of hiding places in there and they hid pretty well..She is a Black Molly so it is hard to tell when she will have them, but shes had 2 batches so far and both came at 30 days..

I feed my babies crushed up flakes, and a product called Baby Fry, its little bitty bits of food..I feed mine this until that are about 1/2 - 1 in. Im not sure when the petstores will take them, you have to check with them, I wouldnt give them to friends until they are about 1-2 inches..

You can find the stuff you need (food,etc..) at the pet store usally, if you have a PetSmart near you they have alot of stuff to choose from, at least mine does..
congrats! my molly is also preg! and i just put her in the trap so when she has her babys the mom cant get them! i think shes in laber so thats why i put her in there! :hyper:
Beautiful pics of sunshine!!!!! unusual colour for a molly. I wouldn't use a breeding box (plastic) coz mollies are so big they get TOO STRESSED in small spaces.

Go with a spare 10 gallon. But use a bio-foam filter as they wont suck up the babies.

I tried a plastic box once cause my net was taken by another female at the time and I didnt have a spare tank available at the time, I WILL NEVER use it again!!! My female Molly jumped right out of it!!!! :eek: IMO Mollies are too big for that little plastic box...I dont even like putting my Mollies in a breeding net cause mine get WAY to stressed...IMO I would go with a 10 gal or even a 5 gal...I have a 5 1/2 gal set up right now for birthing just my Mollies :) I use the breeding net for my Guppies
i think you should get a 5 gal like pj said and that should be it put her in it asap and then leave her until there all poped out of her then put her back in the tank and wait a little more and she will be popin in no time
I don't know what is up with Sunshine...her belly keeps changing size. It will be really big one minute, and then it is a little smaller the next, but still looks like she is pregnant. She hasn't gone completely back to how she was (super skinny)...she keeps a little belly on her even when it is smaller. She acts happy and healthy though. I don't know what is up with her. I'm leaving her in the 10 gal for now, I'll finish cycling the other one, and if she stays big big for a few days, I'll put her in it. Other than that...I don't know what to do.

Thanks for all of the complements on Sunshine. :D I finally got 2 new fish that I love just as much as my first fish, Tigger. :) They are my babies! :wub:

:fish: :fish: :fish:

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