

Fish Gatherer
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
North East UK
Everytime i go to my LFS for a betta it seems everyone has been me to the best ones.Thismorning i got up extra early and raced down!!!At the bottom cup was a beautiful betta.Blueey green with red tips at the end of his fins!! i couldnt belive noone had snapped him up.His tail and everything was perfect.I love him so much :wub:
Now names............ :p
some bettas have been cramped in half a cup fo water for a whole week during shipping, then they get swapped to small plastic cups and then brought home....

they go tjrough alot of stress in a short period of time. It can take them a couple of days to adapt.

I've bought bettas that didn't eat for 4-5 days at first... They are fine now, i added a mild dose of melafix to help them. I'd wait at least 2 days before adding melafix though...
LOL mine must have been hungry then :) He ate pretty much as soon as I put him in :) I'm just waiting for him to build me a nice bubblenest :)
Hes kinda just floating in the corner near a plant!
hes in with a coulpe of catfish platies n mollies
;) I just bought a blue veil tail yesterday morning and he's just now starting to become active and open up his fins a tad. He spent most of yesterday either on the bottom or up in a corner with some movement for air.
Usually, bettas are blown away when they get released into their new homes. It takes some of them more time than others to get used to their new place, especially when there are other fish already living in the new place.

It would be consistent to you moving from a walk-in closet to a 2 story house. When I tried to release Archie into his 2 gallon tank the other nite, he tried with all his might to swim BACK into that horrendus little cup. He's now LOVING life.

MelaFix is a great mild treatment after they've first come home.

Now, for the important thing - names...
Hmm, based on how you've described him -


(These are names that popped into my head when I pictured him) ;)

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