

Fish Herder
Apr 2, 2003
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cardiff uk
Hi I've just peered into my fry tank and discovered a foreign body. IT's quite small (size and looks like an under water ANT!!)

I'm just worried that is something serious and could affect my fry (Guppy)

Could anyone give me any advice as to what it is? I put in some new live plants last week but i have never seen this type of bug before!!!

Come on experts tell me what you know.
Can you describe it a little better?Does it have legs,claws seperate head ect?
Seperate head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you mean as in one it can take off as it pleases and whack the fish with????

hehe :lol: :lol:

sorry couldn't resist that

soz :/
Did sound a bit stupid didnt it :hyper: :fun: :hyper:

I'll rephrase it...........is it like a crab with its head and body all in one or like a insect with a seperate head and body?
It reseembles an ant because it looks like one, black in colour, 6 legs and swims quite fast. it was heading for the aqurium plants.

I'm quite fastenated to know what it is, and if it's serious.
Sounds like some form of water beetle, what water and fish have you been adding? Water beetles are carnivorous so its probably best to remove it. IF you could get a picture of it it would be great!! :)
Just normal tap water and guppy fry in the tank. Don't worry it's gone it got syphoned up my gravel cleaner when i changed the water.

I assumed that it dropped off 1 of my live plants.

Sorry guys no pics im afraid.

Cheers for advice though
Sorry TAA, rule out Hydra.
Hydra is a multicullar organism that fixes itself to plants and stings its prey as the prey passes it. It cannot move by itself. It drifts and is barely visible to the naked eye. The best idea is the water beetle theory. There are over 100 species of water beetle and as William says, they are all carnivores without exception. If it looks anything like a mini scorpion, it could well be a dragonfly larvae. These are commonly transported with plant and veggie materials. These are also quite vicious.
This is getting quite interesting guys i've learnt loads since i joined this forum.

You been sooooooo much help with all my little problems.
In my frog tank I had a similar thing happen, there were no plants in the water but it was infested with heaps of little white bugs they swam a bit like boat men. They could cling to the glass and stuff and they just started appearing like mad.

:alien: :alien: :alien: :alien: :alien: :alien:

If it looks like an ant and acts like an ant, then it probably is an ant!!!!

Every now and again I find black ants in my tanks.....what are they doing there someone once asked me.....what answer did I give him?????

Why...........the backstroke of course!!! :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Seriously tho.....it more than likely is an ant. It will eventually die and you can just net it out. It will do no harm to your fish.

Cheers Cichlid master,

It was proberly was an ant, i found an underwater moth trying to do the backstroke last week!!!! :lol: :lol:

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