Yey, done some redecorating


It's only forever; not long at all...
Dec 23, 2004
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Fist, I completely redid Vespasians tank. It was horrible before, but I like it now :) Is it me, or would it look really cool with a crab in? Not that I would of course, he has enough trouble with biting his own fins, I don't need a crab to do it for me :)
EDIT- See where he's bitten his tail off?
Next, the white guy. I added some more plants as he's a bit skittish (read WIMP) and again, I like it. The cabomba adds a bit of bulk but still looks nice. Plantwise, the bushy bits are cabomba, there are two amazon swords and some wisteria in the corner. EDIT- excuse the bubbles, this was right after a WC.
i really like them, i like taht you put the rocks in the first one in a grouping instead of just all over, much nicer effect!!!!!!!!!
Thanks :) I've got some of the polished rocks in there, not sure whether they're safe or not but I'm keeping an eye on them. I've also pulled the filter out from his tank, it was possibly due to the stress of that that he was tail biting.

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