Yet Another.....what To Put In My Tank?


Fish Addict
May 20, 2006
Reaction score
Leicestershire, England
i have a spare tank next to my computer, its 8 gallong got an elite mini filter and a 50w heater

i did tempory have it rather overstocked but theyve now gone in a 15gallon

so any sujestions, mini comunity or a species ive had betta's before they never seem to last more than 6 months though :(
bettas tend to be quite old when they are sold (6-9 months) as they look a lot prettier at that age, and they don't have particularly long life expectancies, so that could explain why they died after around 6 months.

I don't know much about stocking but I am stocking a similar sized tank soon (30L) so I thought I'd tell what with.
my numbers aren't quite decided yet but I am having a few pygmy cories and either some male endler's or some sparkling gouramis.

honey gouramis were also suggested to me a few times for the tank (instead of the endler's or sparklings). Small species of rasboras were also suggested to me. 1 dwarf gourami was suggested too but I didn't want to go down that route as I hear they are very prone to disease.

All of these were suggested to me by people on here btw, most of which quite experienced.
id say betta, simply cause there non social fish so you dont need to worry about having 2 fish in there but when you have 2 fish OS blah blah blah.
You could always go the cold/cool water route and put plenty of small plants and a small piece of wood in there along with 5 or 6 White Clouds. A simple, but impressive tank.
i likes the idea of a few intresting cory's i only have bronze and peppered in the main tank

had white clouds before they seem to be about as healthy as neon tetras :(
Harlequin rasboras look nice, but they apparently need a slightly larger tank. I keep platies and (small) mollies in a smaller tank than that (20L) but only a few, I don't want to push it into the 'overstocked' zone.
me, I say nano fish, e.g.:

corydoras habrosus, hastatus or pygmaeus

rasbora/boraras brigittae or maculata/us or urophtalmoides- all these like soft water


heterandria formosa

sparkling gouramis

ember tetras

I have a 19 ltr tank atm with 3 sparkling gouramis. My next tank will probably be a 30 ltrs with pseudomugil gertrudae.

Not all of these, evidently. And don't forget the shrimps.

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