Yet another, walmart thread.

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Fish Aficionado
May 11, 2005
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I was at my Local walmart the other day, and guess what I saw? Clean tanks! I guess they did they're once a year tank cleaning! And guess how many dead fish I saw? Only 2! I think thats an all time record! :X
Holy highschool wedgies, Batman! Haha, whenever I go to Walmart everything looks clean but there's always an entourage of dead fish. I'd probably die of happyness to only find two like you did!
This is kind of off-topic, but along the same line (sort of): I was recently at Meijers and stopped by the fish section...its a joke (but not a funny one). Anyway, they had several koi in a small tank, about 15 gallons, 20 at the very most. The water was filthy, there was insuffiecient filtration, the koi were listless, and, equally heinous, there was no indication of the needs or eventual size of these fish. I know, Meijers sells them for people with ponds, but do you honestly think that the majority of people who buy them know their needs and are going to be responsible enough to care for them properly? Burns me like hell :grr:
Anyway, just wanted to add this tidbit to the conversation, since these koi are probably destined for homes more unsuitable for them than most bettas at Walmart are...if thats possible. :angry: :no:
ewww. I cant even look at the tanks at our Wal*Mart without gagging... :X I was just there today, and there was about 30 "traditional" Goldfish dead, all around the filter opening. And the other fish were eating them. :sick:

I only saw 1 dead Betta today.... I almost never go to Wal*Mart, but I usually see at least 5 dead. The living boys were completely sick with finrot :no: sick people.
gimme store names - I love to call and chew some ass!!
Gimme names!!

Store names, and city along w/state.
I NEED HELP--My new Betta--I got it from the nasty place Walmart two weeks ago--has fin rot--help me save my fish!! How do I save its life? What can I do? Please hurry with a reply as I do not think we have a lot of time. Thanks for your help!!!
BettaMomma said:
gimme store names - I love to call and chew some ass!!
Gimme names!!

Store names, and city along w/state.
give her a zip code, and she can use the store finder on their site and get a phone number!!!!!

as for clean tanks, and 2 deads...

BettaMomma said:
gimme store names - I love to call and chew some ass!!
Gimme names!!

Store names, and city along w/state.
gladly :D I think I'll *talk* to them again tomorrow... I'm rarely ever in Wal*Mart, I've just recently (been there 2 times in 1 week) realized how consistently disgusting they are. Not just the Bettas, all of the fish.

Wal*Mart @ Folsom, CA
fishmom said:
I NEED HELP--My new Betta--I got it from the nasty place Walmart two weeks ago--has fin rot--help me save my fish!! How do I save its life? What can I do? Please hurry with a reply as I do not think we have a lot of time. Thanks for your help!!!
OK, calm down. :) Unless your betta has VERY bad rot, you'll most likely be able to cure him. I'm treating my first ever rescue betta Jerry for mild fin rot at the moment and I'm having good results with this method:

1. Do a 50% water change ASAP. Some people recommend 100%, but the fish is stressed and dramatically changing the water will make it more stressed.

2. Get some good medication. You can use a fin-rot specific med, but any good quality med will work. I'm using promethyasul with Jerry.

3. Add some aquarium salt to the water, according to the manufacturers' instructions. This is cheap stuff and you can get it from most fish stores.

4. Tomorrow, do another 50% water change. Remember to use meds in the new water. :thumbs:

5. Keep the temperature stable. An aquarium thermostat heater is great for this.

6. Keep the water quality good: 50% water changes every three days.*

I hope this helps. :)

(* This really only applies to tanks 1 US gallon and over. If you have a smaller tank than that, you should do water changes more often to maintain good water quality.)
Over the Memorial Day weekend, I went to Barnesville PA for a 4 day Camping trip. While there, we visited the Walmart Supercenter to get supplies. What I saw in there, I'll never forget. There was an entire tank with CAE that were either floating or sunk to the bottom DEAD! There must have been about 15-20 of them in there. There was no lights on in that tank. I checked on the bettas...they all looked good though, building bubblenests and such. I picked up my supplies and left as soon as possible. :( :byebye:
At my local walmart, they once got a shipment of dragon fish. Big mistake. I don't know if it was an illness or because their water wasn't brackish, but they all died in a matter of days. Not one of them was sold or survived. Had I had the room, I might have tried to save one, but I just don't have the room to set up a brackish tank at the moment. I hope they never get another shipment of them again. It was so depressing watching them all die.

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