Hey...i just got a couple of albino bristlenose measuring about 1cm each...Im scared to put them in with the large fish such as the large angelfish, pearl gourami and a pair of full grown kribensis...The tank is about 37gallons and is 50%planted...Because they are too small, can i just place them in a breeder net (15cm by 15cm) temporarily with about 5 guppy fry (2-3mm) until the albino bn gets too about 2-3cm??? I just fed the bn's a tiny part of an algae wafer which i dropped in at night...The problem is that their poo and some of their food are way too big to fit into the tiny holes in the breeder net and i want to clean it without letting the small bn and the guppy fry out...Do i just siphon the main tank and fill it up in hope to dilute the water in the breeder net???