Yes, I'm bragging...


Dog Wrangler
Feb 5, 2004
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So, it's been kind of a bummer of a couple of months for me, don't worry, I won't bore you with the details. However, I received a surprise today that cheered me up!

One of my other hobbies is entering online sweepstakes. I just received notification that I won a cute vanity. It will officially be the most expensive piece of furniture in my house! :lol: Not that all my things are built out of cinderblocks and planks, but we all know I'd rather spend the big bucks on fish or tanks or whatnot....

Here's a pic...
One time only. It was one of the 600+ 1x only that ended Dec 31st. AVR $1708! I've already beat my total winnings from last year. :lol:

I was thinking about selling it, but the more I look at it, the more I think I'm going to keep it, even though it's going to make the rest of my furniture look like crap. :lol:

Thanks, sunflower! I love to win things, it's really fun. And I've found out about so many neat products by entering their sweeps and being exposed to them. It's win/win for everyone, I think! :thumbs:
Congrats man....bragging is healthy...I'm sure everyone of us have done it before....where is that place at???? pho shizzle??? I wanna try their pho too :drool:
Pho's yummy, huh? We've got lots of great Pho restaurants here in Seattle! :nod:

However, I just have this one in my avatar cause I thought it was kinda funny - you know, it's like "Pho Shizzle my nizzle". I think Snoop loves the pho at that place... :lol:
Thanks, I do too. However, last night BF and I discussed it, and we are probably going to try to sell it (if we can get someone to pay what I think is fair - I won't accept less then $1000, apparently Lillian August who designed it is pretty well-known in the interior decorating world so I think it'll still be a steal for someone - $700 cheaper than retail .)

We have vet bills coming mid month, bills are late, and if we sold it we could take care of that stuff - plus I could buy a nice pair of pants, some colloidal silver, and a flat-panel moniter. (Yes, it's just that easy to spend free money... :lol: )

But the more I see it, the more I like it, so I might be hoping in the back of my mind that we can't find a buyer for it.... :whistle:
I dunno. To be totally honest, I DO like it but it doesn't look like something I would want. I was thinking about it after I looked and thought "Hmm,where would I even put something like that?!" and personally I would never,ever use it. So if the cash can help you out much more than a dusty new piece of furniture,I'd sell it.
I'm torn. I love the tri-fold mirror, I'd love to keep that, but we'll get more for the set. We're going to try to sell it, and see how it goes.

When I first saw it, I thought, "No Way!" because it's not really my style. But then I started to picture it with a 4g glass tank on it with two beauties swimming around reflected by the mirrors, and pillar candles on the end...(the trifold would go somewhere else if I did that...) looked a little better to me....

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