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Mar 1, 2005
Reaction score
Long Island, Ny
I am also getting a Sib female, and have asked for more info on parents.
(Type & Colors) The seller said this male was the only one with those huge peck fins. I hope that the females will carry the gene. If I can pick the color of the female, what would be the best match? I was think, one with as little color as possible. Do you think it matters?

I hope breeding him to a sis will give me fry with fins like dad. Or do you think it would be better to breed him back to mom?

I hope this works. This took my 15 min.
hiya! its funny you should win him, i was looking at him only the other nite! thinking how spectactular his fins looked!!!

im no expert on breeding, cus i havent ever tried, so il leave that part of your question 4 sum1 else to answer!

He looks sooo stunning, i hope he arrives safely!!!
He's beautiful.
I, unlike everyone else, wasn't looking at him to bid on. :p
BUT... i have a VT that has large pec fins too and was just wondering if that's a gene in fish that is just really uncommon, or what the story is with it - as I had never seen another one with pecs that big until I found Gabriel.

I will be really interested in seeing what you get for babies from that boy! :)
BettaMomma said:
He's beautiful.
I, unlike everyone else, wasn't looking at him to bid on. :p
BUT... i have a VT that has large pec fins too and was just wondering if that's a gene in fish that is just really uncommon, or what the story is with it - as I had never seen another one with pecs that big until I found Gabriel.

I will be really interested in seeing what you get for babies from that boy! :)
Do you have any pics of gabe's pecks? It's too bad that 1 wasn't female. I'd say lets breed them. Even though yours is a veil, at least we'd know if it is a gene, or mutation.
Here we go - the first one is kinda creepy, but you can see how big his pecs are.


Interesting that you call him Gabe :) I refer to those pec bettas as angel fish :p They look like they have wings :wub: Good find :thumbs:
Sorrell said:
Interesting that you call him Gabe :) I refer to those pec bettas as angel fish :p They look like they have wings :wub: Good find :thumbs:
I called him Gabe after one of the Archangels. I went out and got him the day I was bummed out about having lost a betta that I drug home from a wedding table decor tragedy. I saw his little angel wings and knew I had to have him - it was a sign. :wub:
wow those r big pec fins :flex: you should get some very interesting fry from that boy, the females will likely carry the gene as well but wont display it on their finage. gl :thumbs:
I think my best bet is to see if the seller will sell me the mom. If it gene, it came from one of the parents. So, I think breeding this guy with the mom, will give me a better shot than, a sib sis.
All you breeders out there, what are your thoughts??

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