Yep. He died, alright....


Fish Crazy
Oct 15, 2003
Reaction score
Somewhere over the rainbow...
Well, it finally happened. I knew from the start that this sad moment would come the day I released him from that little dinky plastic cup, and it did. He did not die of old age, nor a parasite or anything like that. I killed him by accident. I was pouring new water into his bowl, and the stream of water hit him several times. Hard. I stopped, and he was swimming around on his side, and fell on the bottom. He jetted up, but slowly sank back down again on the ground upside down. After struggling a lot of times, crashing into the gravel, his glass, and his castle, he finally fell on his side, and stopped moving. His whole face turned black after a few hours. It could have been blood, and i'm thinking he burst a blood vessel in his gills. He was still on the bottom. Then, it turned pale again. The next day, he was floating on the top of the bowl and started to rot. I didn't have the heart to flush him yesturday, but I did it today. I flushed the dead betta along with his rotting water. It seemed appropriate, because he was already dead. Goodbye, Firebolt, have a nice life in fish heaven or something... :-(
Sorry to hear about your fish. Accidents happen - I've accidently killed fish myself. I'm very clumsy.
What really makes me feel bad was that I killed him, although he was still capable of living much longer. I've done so much.....bowl cleans, buying bloodworms, buying four different types of betta pellets, a big bowl, plants, gravel, a castle, and bottled water....for what? A dead fish. I had him for a few weeks, and all was going fine. Now, there is no fish to use them on...
oh noo

im so sorry!!!

lika anna said accidents do happen :( cheer up!

how about u get another one? :-(
Yeah, maybe. Or maybe i'll go with puffers instead. Oh well, it's just like the what those hobos say..."I'll be goin' wherever the wind blows...". Even though I didn't completly get that one, i'm sure it has a hidden meaning....somewhere. :blink:
so sorry Flare :sad:

You'll never recover from the guilt :no: , I killed 2 of my favorite cichlids with chloramines a few months ago and still feel sick with guilt when I think about them :X :X :X

But your bettas death seems rather crazy, are ya sure the water was dechlorinated? I don't trust any water anymore and I even dechlorinate the RO water I purchase from my lfs :lol: , it just seems as though it happened rather fast for your little guy :/ :sad:

was his new water the same temp as his tank water? Sorry for all the questions but that's the only way to find out what exactly went wrong and prevent it happening in the future ,it wasn't distilled water was it? I understand your logic about the busted vessel, but it couldn't have been THAT hard of a current,could it? :unsure:
aww, sorry for your loss Flare. may little Firebolt rest in peace. hope they find Virginia and Mackenzie in the biggest, baddest divided tank in the galaxy up there, with all the millions of other Bettas to flare at and eat all the bloodworms he can squeeze into his body.

-pats back- i know most people don't agree, but getting a new Betta helps ease the pain. everytime you look at him you'll say 'hm... he's doing that Firebolt dance...' =)
Don't let one bad experince ruin all the good ones you could have with a new betta. R.I.P. Firebolt :-(
I got a new one. See my other post.

Well, it was just plain old tap water. And yes, the current was very strong. I don't think just a little chlorine could have killed him so fast. I've been using not treated water the first day I got him, and he was doing fine. Until he crashed with that whole water current thing. Never will I put a filter in the same tank with a betta in the future after this similar example...
Sorry to hear about your betta Flare. I have both of my bettas in filtered tanks (a 2 and a 3 gallon) and they are fine. The current isn't much and doesn't seem to bother them. It keeps their environment a lot cleaner too.
Flare, i don't think currents are bad. Donny plays in his, and Pierce pops bubbles from his. i think it was just the shock of being clobbered with a spray of water he wasn't ready for in a shallow area. he couldn't right himself, knocked his head and well... :crazy:

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